Ceramic chimneys are gradually replacing, almost obsolete, brick chimneys and are becoming more and more popular every year. If we talk about the time of arrival of ceramic chimneys, then they appeared at about the same time with plastic.
The modern market is simply overwhelmed by the offers of various manufacturers. Ceramic chimneys are produced under the most famous brands (Hart, Schiedel, Phoenix and others). Such a wide range allows you to make an informed choice that matches the preferences and tastes of customers.
Advantages and disadvantages of chimneys of ceramics
Consider the main advantages of ceramic chimneys. Here are just a few of them:
- resistance to condensation;
- durable use (with a warranty period of up to 30 years);
- ease of installation, which provide ceramic pipes;
- good characteristics in resistance to high temperature conditions;
- simple rules for operation;
- excellent traction;
- reliability of the whole structure;
- enhanced fire safety features;
- impact resistance.
And these are not all the advantages, but only the most basic ones.
But there are some disadvantages when using ceramic chimneys:
- quite a lot of weight;
- high prices (especially for foreign brands);
Design Features
First of all, any chimney is not just trumpet, which should carry out the work of removing carbon monoxide and other products of combustion, but it is also a rather complicated design, to which certain requirements are imposed.

In particular, ceramic chimneys consist of several parts: an ceramic inner pipe, a heat-insulating layer and an expanded clay concrete outer pipe, which is the third layer and plays the role of a lining.
An important quality of a ceramic chimney is its resistance to metal corrosion, as well as its ease of cleaning in case of contamination.
Most often, the choice of one or another type of chimney is determined not by the prestige of the brand or its excellent qualities, but by the influence of such a factor as price. Depending on the available budget, homeowners decide on the choice of a particular chimney system.
Installation Video
However, first of all, you need to remember that installing a chimney is a very responsible process. If there is additional financial means, then it is better to invite an experienced specialist who will help not only during installation, but will also conduct a phased calculation of all the parameters that are necessary for the construction of the chimney.
If everything is done correctly, then you will not need to worry about the safety of the structure and the safety of life of your loved ones. Let us consider in more detail the basic requirements that must be taken into account during the construction of not only fireplaces, but also boilers, stoves, gas stoves.
Basic requirements for chimneys
For fireplaces
Chimneys for fireplaces must meet all the basic requirements that apply to standard stoves. There are not so many fundamental differences in the operation of these systems, and the fuel used for them, for the most part, is the same.
It often happens that fireplaces can be used not only as a decorative element of the interior, but they can be fully used for heating.To do this, you can use a trick: to use a radiator pipe during installation, which can significantly increase the amount of heat transfer. Of course, this will not solve the problem of heating the entire house, but when it is used, there will be much more heat than without it.
As with most other designs, chimneys for fireplaces are designed to efficiently remove exhaust combustion products, and therefore this process should work without fail and be as simple as possible.
The simplest solution in this case is to install a direct chimney, which runs strictly vertically. But such a solution is not always available, in this case the bends should go at an angle that does not exceed 45 degrees. If in the future the chimney will need cleanthen usually set a special knee, which will facilitate this operation.
It is also important to remember that not only the shape and location of the chimney is of great importance, but other factors are equally important. In the place where it passes, you need to take care of maximum security and the appropriate level thermal insulation, since during the work the smoke exits through the pipe and heats the chimneys for fireplaces.
Therefore, it is necessary to protect all walls and nearby floors from fire using special layers of thermal insulation. Most often, for these purposes, they lay a material based on basalt. However, if ceramic pipes are used immediately, then a basalt gasket can be omitted, since this design already has such protection.
For a traditional bath
When installing chimneys in conventional baths, some safety requirements for the entire system must be met. Obviously, chimneys in such places require enhanced thermal insulation. In this case, for reliability and safety, all walls that are close to the boiler must be covered with sheet metal, which will prevent them from burning.
The draft in the chimney should be good enough and capable of supporting combustion processes at the proper level. In this case, the heat should not go outside, and smoke should go into the dressing room or penetrate into the steam room, if any.
In most baths, the heat generated by the chimney can be used with advantage by the most common method of increasing the efficiency. To do this, you will need a regular metal mesh with stones poured into it. If they fit snugly enough into the chimney, then they will quickly heat up, giving off then the long-received heat.
For boilers and geysers
Few developers study and are well versed in building codes and installation rules for chimneys for gas boilers and columns. Meanwhile, the solution of technical issues is a priority in the construction and repair of exhaust systems.
Chimneys for a geyser or boiler must meet the following requirements:
- comply with existing standards (SNiP);
- be as tight as possible (there should be no leakage of carbon monoxide);
- have a separate channel (if two devices are still connected to the same channel, then you need to maintain a distance between them of at least 750 mm);
- be sufficiently resistant to moisture (modern powerful boilers produce from 1 to 3 thousand liters of condensate per year, and since the temperature of the exhaust gases is rarely higher than 100 ° C, the condensate almost does not evaporate and, flowing down the walls, destroys the brick );
- improve traction (you should know that the rough inner surface of the pipes significantly worsens the traction, and the round cross-section of the exhaust channel, with a diameter not exceeding the cross-sectional size of the pipe for venting, is ideal for enhancing traction);
- go up and not have coatings and visors.
The necessary requirements are easy to fulfill in the repair or construction process, but it is much more difficult to correct all the shortcomings and errors in the process of subsequent operation.
Ceramic chimney device

A modern chimney can be divided into three main parts: the base, the main set and the final set.
The basis is called the component of the chimney, consisting of the lower part of the chimney, a certain capacity of a certain volume, sufficient to collect the produced condensate, as well as several tees (for connection, for inspection and cleaning).
The rise of the chimney above the roof of the house can be as follows:
- 1.2 meters and above if the roof is flat;
- 0.5 meters and above, if the pipe is located at a distance of up to 1.5 meters from the ridge or parapet;
- above the level of the ridge or parapet, if the chimney is located at a distance of 1.5 - 3 meters;
- along the line to be drawn from the top point of the ridge down to the horizon at a given angle (10 degrees), or higher if the pipe is at least 3 meters from the ridge or parapet.
The distance from the grate to the mouth of the pipe should be at least 5 meters, otherwise there will be no necessary pressure difference, which will lead to the lack of necessary traction.
It is necessary that the diameter of the smoke boiler is not less than the diameter of the pipe through which smoke is removed. The cross section of the smoke channel is determined according to GOST 9817–95, if the device does not have certification.
The installation of the chimney begins with the erection of its own foundation, which is not connected with the main foundation of the house. They do not do this only when a monolithic slab with good bearing capacity is used as the foundation.
If the stove and chimney are on the same foundation, then this will be a more reliable option.
Usually, the manufacturer attaches a manual to the chimney kit, which gives a detailed description of all installation steps.
In conclusion, I want to say that today ceramic chimneys are widely used in a wide variety of designs of gas boilers, fireplaces and stoves. Their versatility and reliability make it possible to ensure the safety and convenience of their owners for many years.
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