A country house without a fireplace is quite difficult to imagine today. How nice it is on quiet winter evenings to sort through the poker with loudly crackling firewood ... And if this is a house in a remote village, then for sure there is not even gas, which means that heating can only be stove.
From this we can draw simple conclusions that in this case a chimney is required, which will be responsible for the operation of the draft and the removal of unnecessary combustion products from the house to the outside. But a sandwich pipe for a chimney of a fireplace or stove is not only a pleasant comfort in the house, but sometimes it causes a lot of worries. Namely, due to improper installation of chimney systems, more than 60% of fires occur in houses and cottages with stove and fireplace heating.
So what is the way out of all this? In order for the house to be warm, comfortable and safe, you need to correctly install the correct, modern chimney models, which will fully ensure the proper level of security.
So what is a pipe sandwich?

The name sounds very unusual and even somehow “abstruse”, but in fact, this is just the name of double-walled chimney systems, which are distinguished from others by the presence in their design of a special insulation layer.
Many owners who have installed a sandwich chimney, give their operational properties only positive feedback and characteristics. First of all, due to the high fire-fighting properties of the chimneys, a sandwich. Well, and, of course, the fact that water (condensate) does not accumulate in these pipes, as can be observed in some other ventilation structures and chimney systems.
Such a chimney consists of the following parts:
- the outer layer of stainless steel (it is also often called the casing);
- inner layer of steel with anti-corrosion properties;
- in the middle is an insulation layer, the basis of which is basalt.
Simple design, isn't it? compared to single-walled. But it is it that allows you to best protect both the house and the chimney from sudden fire.
Let us consider in more detail the technical features of these chimneys.
Sandwich pipes - technical indicators
As previously noted, mineral wool based on basalt fiber is used as insulation. The use of this type of insulation gives a lot of advantages. This is, first of all, high resistance to various types of chemical and other very different influences, as well as to extremes of high and low temperatures. Well, the insulating properties of the chimney sandwich, in general, are beyond praise!
In different sandwich chimneys there is a different thickness of the basalt layer. But most often there are sizes from 25 to 60 millimeters.
External pipes of such chimneys can be made of various materials: copper, brass and some others, but stainless steel is one of the most common. But the inner pipe should be made only of stainless steel.
A huge selection of chimney sandwich from different manufacturers cannot but please the ordinary consumer, but it also gives manufacturers the right to make chimney sandwich at their discretion. At the same time, both the diameters of the pipes and the insulation layer of different manufacturers can differ significantly.There is no standardization, which means there is a certain situation of chaos in this market segment.

When choosing this type of chimney, it is necessary to take into account the fact that different types of pipes should be used for different temperature conditions.
The most important requirement that a chimney pipe sandwich must meet is tightness. Connecting elements for pipes can be completely different (from flange to bayonet).
What are the advantages of double-walled chimneys compared to single-walled chimneys? Consider only a few of them:
- lack of condensation;
- in this type of chimney, soot very rarely accumulates, which is an absolute plus (since in this case it does not need to be serviced very often, i.e. remove it).
Most construction experts recommend installing a sandwich pipe for the chimney in all structures of wooden houses, as these pipes have very good fire safety characteristics.
Immutable rules for installing a chimney sandwich
When installing a sandwich pipe, it is highly recommended not to use them for installation immediately near a stove or fireplace.
It is worth remembering that when passing dangerous sections of the roof, as well as wooden walls of the house or some other places where fire may occur, an additional thermal insulation layer must be laid before laying the pipes.
For pipes of this type, there are two basic principles of installation, which perform the same way as installation work with pipes of other types.
The first principle is called "smoke". This means that this system uses a tee, which serves to remove condensate.
In the case of applying the second principle (“by condensate”), the chimney system can do without a tee. The assembly is performed as follows: after the tee “by condensate”, another tee, “by smoke” is used.

When using solid fuel, it is imperative to use sandwich pipes made of heat-resistant stainless steel.
Preparing for installation work

In order for the chimney pipes to pass correctly between the floors, you need to follow a certain sequence of actions. The safest and most reliable option is to use the pipe in the necessary overlap.
Before installing this pipe, it must be brought into proper condition. On the walls of the entire pipe you need to lay a layer of waterproofing. To do this, you can use pieces of mineral wool or other insulating material.
Then you need to isolate not only the inside of the pipe, but also all the other places that will be adjacent to the ceiling.
Another step that must be taken is to install the pipe in the ceiling. To do this, determine where the pipe will go. After that, it is necessary to make markings in the ceiling, according to which a hole can be made in the ceiling. Where the pipe will be in contact with the ceiling, it is necessary to lay the insulating layer, and then install the pipe.
Having completed these steps, you can be sure that the ceiling is ready for the installation of the entire chimney. At this step, the chimney is passed through the ceiling and the pipe.

When laying the chimney, it is necessary that the chimney sandwich passes into the entire ceiling. It must not be allowed to come into contact with the ceiling.
In order to remove excess heat, a small air gap must be made between the chimney pipes and the pipe.
Installation of a chimney sandwich? procedure
How to make a do-it-yourself sandwich chimney? It’s very simple: have patience, study the methods of building chimneys and, of course, put the acquired knowledge into practice. This is best explained by the example of a double-walled chimney. For reliable installation, the fastening of all elements must be done from the bottom up, starting from the heating stove and to the fireplace or boiler.
- Internal pipes in the sandwich chimneys must be installed strictly "in condensate".Such an installation will not allow the condensate to linger in the seams or other irregularities, but will flow freely.
- For sealing during installation, it is better to use a sealant that must withstand high temperatures (up to 100 degrees).
- All elements of the chimney sandwich must be attached using special brackets. At certain intervals (from 200 centimeters) brackets should be installed for easy installation of pipes to the wall.
- Once again, remember that horizontal sections in the chimney are not recommended to be made more than one meter. This can significantly reduce traction.
- The entire chimney system should pass in the place where there will be no congestion of wires, including electrical.
- If the chimney passes through various types of ceilings, whether it is a ceiling or walls, pipes with reliable insulation must be installed in those places without fail.
- In order to regularly clean the chimney, it is necessary to install a special hole in the chimney with a door so that accumulated soot can be easily removed. Otherwise, a so-called glass must be installed, it must be removable.
Following these simple tips, you can make the installation of the chimney easy and without unnecessary trouble. But if you have little experience in the construction business, it is best to entrust the installation of the chimney to professionals who will do the job efficiently, as well as carry out all the necessary calculations.
It is worth noting that the chimney sandwich is quite deservedly enjoyed such popularity among the population. After all, their consumer qualities very adequately withstand competition among other types of chimneys.
In conclusion, I want to note When installing a chimney sandwich, you can be sure of its reliable and uninterrupted operation for many years. By installing it once, you can subsequently sleep peacefully.
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