During the construction or repair of a summer house or cottage, many ask a reasonable question: how to cover the roof of a house? The choice is only the owner of the buildings and structures. However, today the characteristics are determined, according to which it is recommended to choose a material for the roof.
There are many roofing options on the market; each of them gives homes a charming look. It is worth noting that the choice is often influenced by fashion trends, but the material should always be of high quality.
Classification of roof coatings according to various criteria
Conventionally, all roofing materials can be divided on various grounds:
- according to external characteristics there is a rolled, sheet or piece roof;
- feedstock contains organic or mineral materials;
- depending on the type of top coat, there is a roof with a metallized or polymer film;
- according to the version of the binder, the material for the roof is divided into polymer, bitumen and bitumen-polymer;
- the type of protective layer is scaly, coarse-grained, dusty and fine-grained;
- finally, by the type of base there is a roof on cardboard, fiberglass, foil, fiberglass and steel.
From all this diversity, you need to choose for yourself which roof is better. Therefore, to begin with, you should decide what qualities it should possess.
Important roofing requirements

All roofing materials comply with certain standards, which are prescribed in special documents (technical specifications and state standards). Any materials that do not meet the necessary standards are not allowed on the market and cannot be used in construction.
So what should be the roof covering?
- Resistant to sunlight;
- Resistant to temperature changes (and frost-resistant, and not susceptible to heat, the coating should easily thaw and not deform when frozen);
- Sealed (the roof should not leak moisture, i.e. leak);
- Resistant to external influences (atmospheric phenomena, dust, dirt, harmful gases);
- Durable;
- Long lasting.
Roofing Properties

Before using and buying a roofing, you need to know its properties, as well as the conditions for working with it and its installation. This is the only way to achieve long-term and rational operation of the roof.
Strength, density of a coating is the technological properties of the material. They are very important and you should definitely pay attention to them when choosing the better to cover the roof of the house. These properties include frost resistance. For the northern regions, it should be higher, because such a roof will be subjected to freezing (every winter).

If your roof will undergo strong heating, then the roof should have such a property as fire resistance.
Each version of the roofing material undergoes laboratory tests, where the following properties are determined:
- Technological
- Mechanical
- Chemical
- Physical.
Knowing what properties the material for your roof should have, you can determine the better to cover the roof of the house. However, you should first study all the properties of specific roofing materials.
Bet on easy installation - slate sheets

Slate is a large sheet of wavy shape. It is made exclusively from asbestos-cement mortar. Such material is durable. However, its main disadvantage is excessive fragility.
The standard size of each sheet in length is 1750mm. The width of the sheet can vary between 980-1130mm. Every 150 / 200mm, waves rise to a height of 54mm on the slate surface.
Slate tolerates temperature extremes that do not affect its properties. That is why such a coating can last up to 40 years without repair and replacement.
Slate is very easy to mount. However, it must be handled very carefully, otherwise it will break. Although sheets that are damaged are quickly replaced, it is still an extra cost.
Today, slate coating can be painted in any shade. This allows not only to improve the appearance of the roof, but also protect it, increasing durability.

Slate is an ideal roof option for utility rooms, as they are like a barn or other outbuildings. After all, this is the ideal ratio “price - service life”.
What should I look for if you chose what to cover the roof of the house with asbestos-cement sheets? When buying, inspect the slate:
- There should be no cracks, dents, extra foreign inclusions;
- On the contrary, the edge should be flat without any delamination.
Metal sheets - practical roofing
This type of coating can be made of:
- Galvanized steel;
- Aluminum
These sheets are very durable and practical material. Unlike slate, it is not fragile. The only difficulty in using a metal roof is its installation. Sheets are joined using special bends or folds.
The advantages of this type of roofing material are:
- Light weight sheets;
- They can be used not only on sloping roofs, but also on roofs with a very slight slope;
- Such material is durable.

Aluminum sheets last longer than a galvanized steel roof. The fact is that aluminum is very resistant to corrosion. Therefore, such a roof can last more than 80 years.
This material has its drawbacks:
- During heavy rain, the house can be very noisy, all drops are heard;
- The metal has good thermal conductivity. Therefore, it does not protect well from cold or heat.
Beautiful protection - metal

This type of roof is made on the basis of galvanized steel. Outwardly she imitates a tile. Due to the fact that the material is treated with a special anti-corrosion compound, it can last for many years.
Many people, determining which roof is better, choose a metal tile. After all, she:
- Easy to install;
- Differs in durability;
- It has a beautiful appearance.
Because the material is made of metal, it has exactly the same disadvantages as metal sheets.
Modern Euroslate
This roof option is better known as Ondulin. They make it by pressing cardboard, and then impregnating it with special bitumen impregnation.
Why, when builders choose how to cover the roof of a house, do they often choose a euro slate? The answer is simple - this material will last more than 30 years. In addition to everything, it has a low cost, and it is quite easy to mount it.
The main disadvantage of Ondulin is the low strength of the material. And when it rains or hails, all the noise easily penetrates into the house.
How to roof a house? Mastic roof - the choice of millions
A polymer film that is already applied to the roof surface (reinforced concrete, wood, etc.) is called a mastic or bulk roof. The special composition is applied in a very thin layer to the surface, and solidifying, it turns into a monolithic coating.
People who are faced with the choice of which roof is better should pay attention to the advantages of bulk material:
- Good waterproofing, because the roof is monolithic;
- High temperature resistance (the temperature spread that such a roof can withstand ranges from -40 to +100 degrees);
- Resistance to UV rays;
- Light weight material.

Mastic roofing can be used to repair the roof of the house. Especially if only minor damage is observed.
Which roof is better? Maybe roll?
Such material is bitumen, which is applied to a fabric or cardboard base. The most popular roofs of this type are roofing and roofing felt. Recently, people thinking about the question of what is better to cover the roof of the house, choose glassine or glassizol.
All these types of roofs are frost-resistant, retain heat well, and are durable. And the method of their installation is very simple: a rolled roof is laid on a flat roof surface in several layers connected by liquid bitumen.
Often, to improve the mechanical properties of such a coating, it is covered with fine gravel or sand on top of it.
A good option is a soft roof

It is made from shingles. The base of the roof (polymer fabric or glass) is covered with a self-adhesive layer. This allows you to simply stick it to the right place when installing the roof. Such styling is available to anyone, even non-professionals.
Soft roofs have a very wide range of shades. Among other things, they have high hydro-, heat- and noise insulation. And in addition to everything, a soft roof is quite inexpensive.
Stacked roofing - proven over the centuries
Such material is stacked long enough. After all, you have to collect the roof from small elements. The most popular option is shingles (ceramic or slate). This is one of the best options for both aesthetically and durability. That is why someone does not even think what is the best way to cover the roof, but they immediately choose a stacked roof.
True, tiles have two significant drawbacks:
- To lay it, you need a strong frame that can hold it;
- This is the most expensive roof option.
The choice of how to cover the roof of the house always remains with its owner. You need to evaluate your payment options and decide what qualities of the roof are more important for you: durability, ease of installation, aesthetic qualities or something else.
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