Decking is a specific roofing material that can be used both for the installation of roofs of buildings that are just under construction, and for the replacement or reconstruction of coatings of old roofs that have already served their term.
About 20-30 years ago roofing material was considered the most popular material for roofing and waterproofing works. It was they who previously blocked the roofs of garages, sheds, residential and non-residential buildings.
Is a combination acceptable? This issue is one of the most relevant in the process of arranging the roof. If you do not know the answer, then this article is for you.
What is corrugated board?

Decking is a galvanized sheet of metal, the thickness of which can be from 0.5 to 0.9 mm. Today, this material is made of profiled or corrugated steel and may have a polymer coating of various colors and shades.
The advantages of corrugated board include its durability, ease of transportation and installation. The roofing material is characterized by excellent external data, it does not need any special care and is inexpensive.
However, the corrugated board has its drawbacks. If you decide to use it for laying the roof, do not forget about the soundproofing layer, since every time there will be heavy rain outside, you will listen to the drum roll. Roofing material can act as a soundproof layer if you decide to mount a corrugated board on top of it.
What is ruberoid?

Ruberoid is a material made from a mixture of bitumen and all kinds of inclusions that increase its strength. A mixture of cellulose and cardboard, which was impregnated with bitumen of soft grades, was most often used as such components, and in conclusion, the material was coated on both sides with refractory bitumen.
Ruberoid is characterized by excellent waterproofing properties, and also has a fairly low cost. The most durable material of this class is considered roofing material made on the basis of polyester and fiberglass.
The main disadvantage of paper-based roofing material is its low mechanical strength, as well as its susceptibility to decay. Taking into account these shortcomings, it is not always worth installing the corrugated board over the roofing material. An exception is the situation when the roofing material is made on the basis of cardboard - then it is better to refrain from surface mounting a profiled sheet of metal.
Features of mounting corrugated board on roofing material

To lay corrugated board on roofing material, several mandatory conditions must be met. The first thing to do before installing the profiled sheet is to completely exclude moisture from the roofing material, and also protect it from possible mechanical stress
To fulfill this condition is quite simple, since the shape of the corrugated board itself is able to provide excellent circulation of air flow and sufficient ventilation of the roofing material covered under it.
In addition, when laying a roof from corrugated board, you should think about a waterproofing layer that will protect the rafters from rotting, the roof from atmospheric precipitation and accumulated condensate. With the functions of the waterproofing material, the old roof covering - roofing material - will perfectly cope.
It is possible to lay corrugated board on top of roofing material without additional lathing or counter-lattice, if the region where the building is located does not have a sultry summer.Otherwise, it is necessary to make a crate from a wide beam, since the roofing material, like any other material in rolls, has a low melting point.
In the hot season, the profiled metal sheet can heat up to 60 degrees. Therefore, corrugated board, the installation of which was carried out without a counter-lattice, can melt the surface of the roofing material, thereby worsening its technical properties.
In conclusion, we can say that there is no single answer to the question - is it permissible to lay corrugated board on roofing material. It all depends on an individual analysis of the condition of the old coating, roof structure and climate of the region where the building is located.
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