The modern building materials market provides a huge selection of roofing material. Euro slate is the most demanded, as it is affordable and aesthetically beautiful for covering a roof of any complexity. Euro slate quickly gained great popularity due to the high quality of the material, easy installation and affordable price. It is suitable for a simple roof, as well as for a roof with numerous bends. It is used in industrial and residential construction, in addition, it is used for the design of building facades.
The word "ondulin" is considered to be a synonym for the term euroshate. This is the name of the most popular manufacturer working in the field of roofing materials for more than 40 years. Euro slate ondulin is a rather original roofing material produced by the French company ONDULINE.
Euroslate ondulin is surprisingly resistant to climatic conditions; it can withstand both Siberian frost and tropical sun. Euro slate ondulin is widely used to cover private buildings and cottages.
Composition and characteristics
The main modern requirement of the European standard for slate is the lack of asbestos harmful to human health and life. To date, no one has succeeded in repeating its unique manufacturing technology.
First, make a multilayer base of the following components:
- fiberglass fibers;
- cellulose fiber;
- mineral filler.
Under the influence of temperature and high pressure, the multilayer base is impregnated with special resins and pigment-purified bitumen. As a result, we get a light, durable, fire and water resistant material.
Each component that is part of the euro slate performs a specific function:
- synthetic fibers give the material rigidity, strength and resistance to heavy loads;
- bitumen serves for waterproofing, preventing the penetration of moisture;
- dyes and additives give the appearance aesthetics, resistance to chemicals and prevent the formation of fungus.
For the production of euro slate they use modern, high-tech equipment that meets all the requirements of quality, environmental friendliness and safety.
Euro slate has the following basic characteristics:
- maintains loading on 1 sq. surface meter up to 300 kg of snow;
- the weight of one sheet is about 6 kilograms;
- operational warranty period of 50 years. Manufacturers of this roofing material provide a guarantee of about 15 years;
- with proper installation it is resistant to hurricane winds up to 50 m / s. According to the results of tests that were conducted in the UK and the USA, the euro slate can withstand a hurricane wind with a force of up to 192 m / s.
- lightning protection. Unlike metal coating, this roofing material does not have the ability to accumulate static electricity, and this significantly reduces the risk of lightning striking the building. In this case, the installation of a lightning rod is often not required;
- resistant to various chemicals. The material is quite resistant to acids, industrial gases, alkalis, gasoline and diesel fuel. In addition, it is not affected by moss, fungus, lichens, microorganisms and bacteria;
- resistant to significant temperature changes;
- recyclable;
- low rainfall during rainfall. The material absorbs sound very well, due to this, during precipitation it will be quiet even in the attic;
- has a wide range of colors and shapes.Large color gamut makes it possible to use Euroslate for various design projects. Due to the fact that the sheets are painted before bitumen impregnation, the material acquires a stable color, which does not change over the years;
- resistant to decay and corrosion;
- does not require additional care after installation;
- affordable price. This is one of the most affordable roofing materials, but it should be purchased with a margin of, on average, 15% more of the roof area, since the installation is lapped;
- saving on truss structures. For the design of the rafter system, the weight of the roof plays an important role. Since the euro slate is lightweight, it is possible to reduce the cost of erecting rafter structures, as well as the foundation of the building and its walls;
- on its surface you can walk;
- Euro slate makes it possible to install the roof even in the cold season, as it maintains elasticity even at low temperatures;
- easy to install. The material enables high-speed laying, does not require special skills and tools during installation;
- installation can be carried out without crate;
- quite economical, because after installation there are very few residues;
- It is ecologically safe, as it does not contain asbestos.
The main characteristics for the most part are the advantages of the euro slate. As for the shortcomings, there are not so many of them. Euro slate has a low thermal insulation ability, and therefore the roof will need to be insulated.

For insulation, two layers of insulation are needed. The first should be texton or roofing material, i.e. vapor-tight, and the second should be fiberglass plates or vermiculite (heat-insulating).
Euroslate, whose technical characteristics are superior to analogues, is also of high quality. The main technical parameters are: width - 960 mm, length - 2000 mm, thickness E - 3.0 mm, wave height H - 36 mm, weight - 6.5 kg.
Euro slate is used on roofs with a slope of 12-90 °. It can be operated at temperatures ranging from -50 ° С to + 50 ° С. Considering the fact that euro-slate is a sheet material, the material consumption for roofs of complex construction increases.
Euroslate: scope

Euro slate reviews which are always positive, are well suited for roofing large structures, such as clinics, schools, residential buildings, and for roofing private houses. It also has good technical parameters for use as a coating for industrial buildings. Quite often, euro slate is used for facing vertical barriers as a waterproof screen or as a fence. Euro Slate has proven itself very well both in the construction of a new roof and in the reconstruction of old roofing. It can even be used on top of existing slate or metal without disassembling them.

Before purchasing a Euro slate, ask if the selling company has a sufficient range of slate and roofing components.
Euro Slate nuline
Nuline material is used for various buildings: from large domed hangars to cafes, from esplanades along the seashore to enterprises producing agricultural fertilizers.
Euro slate nuline in its composition has wood fiber, which is impregnated with bitumen. Its color scheme is characterized by bright glossy shades of blue, green, brown, red or matte - brown, red, green and black.
Euro slate nuline has the following advantages:
- excellent noise isolator;
- light enough, and therefore no crate and a powerful rafter system are required;
- provides high performance during installation;
- resistant to chemicals;
- does not require special skills and tools in the work;
- resistant to biological influences;
- easy to install at low temperatures.
Due to its light weight, nuline euro slate is excellent for building repairs, since it can be installed on top of an old coating.

Euro slate bituvel - a representative of new roofing materials. It is actively used for roofing and wall cladding. Due to the corrugated sheet format, high elasticity, light weight, water resistance, it has found wide application in private housing construction, in industrial and agricultural construction.
The advantages of this material are:
- bitumen sheet is made of environmentally friendly fibrous material, without asbestos and impurities of toxic substances;
- the sheet is waterproof, resistant to high and low temperatures;
- has options for coloring sheets with a glossy and matte surface;
- due to the small weight and size of the sheets are convenient to use;
- has an optimal combination of cost and quality.
For the production of bitumen, organic fiber is used, which is necessarily impregnated with bitumen, then compacted and coated with a polymer composition. The front side of the sheet is covered with thermoactive polymer paint, which provides not only decorative and aesthetics, but also protection. Bituminous sheets become resistant to ultraviolet radiation.

When choosing a brand of Euroslate, you should pay attention to the range of colors. In almost all manufacturers, they are always different, mainly shades differ. In addition, the sheets can be glossy and matte. It is also necessary to take care of components for a specific roof in advance.
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