Before you determine which type of profiling sheets is preferable, you need to consider their characteristics separately.
MP20: characteristics
For example, one can speak of the MP20 sheet as a universal material that is successfully used not only for covering the roof, but also for cladding, as well as walls.
Pros and cons
The main advantages of this material include:
- its resistance to corrosion processes;
- the ability of the profile of this brand to withstand quite large loads;
- light weight of sheets, which allows installation without significant physical effort;
- lack of need for special care.
- the profiling sheet MP20 can even be processed by a specialist;

The cost of 1 square. m of sheet MP20 having a thickness of 0.5 mm ranges from 185-190 rubles.
C20 and its standards
If we are talking about sheet C20, then it is used in the construction of various storage facilities, barns and storage facilities. Compared to MP20 grade sheet, this material can withstand heavy loads. For other indicators, these materials are identical.
The cost of 1 square. m of sheet C20 with a thickness of 0.5 mm is 200-210 rubles.
Choosing this material as a topcoat, you should responsibly approach the following standards:
- At an angle of inclination of the roof slope of up to 14 °, the distance between the joints is 20 cm. When it ranges from 15-30 ° - this distance will be 15-20 cm, and when the angle of inclination exceeds 30 ° - the butt distance will be 10-15 cm.
- The eaves overhang, which is installed after this, with the profiling sheet C20 should be 5-10 cm.
- After that, the sheets are fixed to the crate using zinc fastening materials with a sealed washer. Their number per 1 m? is 5-7 pieces.
- Further arranged waterproofing. The film is laid horizontally with a butt distance of 10-15 cm. In this case, the allowance of the film is 2 cm. Subsequently, the film is connected to the joints with adhesive tape.
- To the construction crates affects the angle of the roof. If it is less than 15 °, then the crate is made in increments of 30 cm, at more than 15 ° - the step will be no more than 65 cm.
- The frontal section is formed using a vertical bar, which is fastened with the same galvanized fasteners. They are located at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other, and the butt distance is 10-15 cm.
- At the end, a skate is laid with a butt distance of 15-20 cm. It is attached to the crate in increments of 20-30 cm.

Since the C20 profiling sheet is more expensive at the price of the MP20 sheet, this indicates its advantages. Therefore, to cover the roof of a country house, it will be a more suitable option.
Konstantin Fedosimov
how to distinguish them between each other by eye?
No way. Only by eye.