Metal Cascade is a modern roofing material that combines tradition and a modern approach to the design of roofing. It differs from the existing classical models in a more strict form. It can be easily distinguished thanks to a straight, even relief pattern with decorative grooves. In appearance, the coating resembles a bar of classic chocolate. The role of the grooves is reduced not only to give the roof aesthetic beauty, but also has a constructive function. They increase the resistance of tiles to longitudinal loads.
Metal tile production and its components
The Cascade metal tile is produced on special rolling machines, with the help of which the formation of smooth steel sheets with a polymer coating and located in bays is performed. Before this, the galvanized sheet must be processed, which includes coating it with a primer and a phosphate layer. The back surface is protected by varnish. The outer surface is covered with one of the polymeric materials - polyester, pural, polyester having a matte shade, plastisol. The combination of all factors and differences in the coating of the material are reflected in the cost of metal and its other characteristics.
The tile cascade consists of:
- a polymer coating, which may vary in color;
- primer layer;
- phosphate layer;
- zinc layer;
- steel sheet.
The thickness of the steel sheet itself must be at least 45 mm. This size provides the best material strength.
Note! In the modern building materials market, products with a thickness of 40 mm can also be presented. However, it will not be very reasonable to dwell on such a material, since this may affect the quality of the coating. Although such a metal cascade attracts a lower cost, due to its smaller thickness, it will deform more often than a thicker coating.
The zinc layer protects the material from corrosive processes. The primer and phosphate layers provide additional protection and are the basis for subsequent layers. The polymer coating is responsible for the appearance of the coating, i.e. its color. In addition, it protects the material from atmospheric precipitation and corrosion.
Let us dwell on polymer coatings:
- Polyester is considered the most popular among the coatings that Cascade has. It is produced on the basis of polyester paints, in the composition of which various binding elements are added. The coating thickness is 25 microns. Its frenzied popularity is due to its long service life and deep color, which does not change throughout the life of the roof. The average life of a polyester coating is 25 years.
- Matt polyester differs from its brother described above in Teflon processing technology. It does not shine because it has microscopic irregularities on the surface. If you touch it with your hand, you get the feeling that there is a polished stone under it. Teflon thickness is 35 microns. The variety of colors of matte polyester is slightly less, but such a metal cascade has a service life of about 35 years.
- The pural has a polyurethane base converted by polyamide.The coating does not differ in the high gloss that is inherent in polyester, but its service life is longer - 35 years, as in matte polyester.
- Plastisol is a polymer material developed on the basis of polyvinyl chloride. It includes plasticizers. Unlike other coatings, it provides relief and with its help you can create a finish coating in the form of leather, wood or snow. Plastisol gives the “Cascade metal tile” coating a sufficiently high strength and makes it resistant to the most severe precipitation and high temperature. Its thickness is 200 microns.
Advantages of metal cascade
Among the advantages that distinguish this modern roofing material, we can distinguish the following:
- Fire safety, since the material is based on metal and therefore does not burn like other roofing materials. This is especially important given the warming of the climate and increasing air temperature, and hence the fire hazard.
- Resistance to various manifestations of weather changes - rain, snow, wind, solar exposure. The metal cascade is not subject to corrosion. The integrity of the sheets minimizes the number of joints.
- The roof topcoat made of such material is easy to install, so experienced craftsmen can cover it in just a few hours. Much will depend on the area covered.
- Profitability, which is due to both the relatively low cost of the material, and the technology of its device. For example, you can reduce its consumption by reducing the overlap coefficient of the sheets.
- Originality and uniqueness of appearance resembling a bar of shiny chocolate in shape. The various geometric shapes of the grooves and grooves that the Cascade metal tile has, as well as the variety of colors, allow homeowners to have an individual and unique roof.

In addition to the above-mentioned advantages of a roofing cake, which are ensured by this material, its use makes the roof a well-ventilated structure with good vapor permeability and thermal protection.

One of the main advantages of this material is its strength, and this, you must agree, is not the last thing for the roof. Therefore, those who wish to have a solid roof, under which any weather surprises are not terrible, should take into account that the metal cascade is a material that meets the special requirements of strength.
If you belong to people who consider themselves practical and do not want to throw money away, then this kind of coverage will be the “golden mean” between such approaches as “cheap and cheerful” and “reliable and beautiful”. The average cost of such tiles ranges from 220 rubles.
As mentioned above, the owners of the buildings pay close attention to the appearance of their home. The roof, especially the pitched roof, occupies a large area and in many respects forms the impression of the whole building. You are likely to make sure that the metal cascade will make your home attractive and outwardly memorable.
During construction, the foundation of the building deserves great attention. It must withstand the load from supporting structures in the form of walls and roofs, ceilings, floors, wall finishes, flooring, facade cladding, etc. All this is taken into account when calculating the load on the foundation. The roofing, which is desirable to facilitate as much as possible, also has an effect on it. For example, slate and natural tiles will weigh significantly more than the metal cascade, whose technical characteristics indicate its relatively low weight. As a result, this coating will be technically more advantageous.
The same can be said about its installation, which, due to its light weight, is simple and allows you to save on the salaries of workers and minimize the time of finishing coating.This is especially important when the roof is mounted in the rainy season.
Installation of metal cascade and its features
The best option when installing any roof is the ability to attract professional workers. You can always turn to them. They will do it correctly and in accordance with the technology of roofing. But, even in this case, it would be nice to navigate the process and monitor their work. Thanks to the description of the sequence of works, the metal cascade Cascade, the installation of which you can do on your own, will seem to you a simple material that is easy and simple to work with yourself.
Tools for installing roofing that you need:
- hammer and screwdriver,
- jigsaw and saw,
- hacksaw and rail,
- marker and tools for cutting metal.

You should not work using such a tool for cutting metal tiles as a “grinder”. It works with abrasive discs, which with their sharp edges can scratch the polymer coating that protects the metal sheets of the profile. As a result, premature corrosion can occur and the metal cascade will lose its original properties.
When constructing the rafter structure, it is necessary to follow the step length of the rafter legs, which should be 0.9 meters (the step can be determined by the size of the plate of the insulating material).
- Having installed the rafters, you should again measure the slopes of the roof, the slope of which is recommended to be done at 14 degrees.
- Roofing sheets are stacked with a slight overlap. This requirement is especially true when the length of the roof slope is more than 6 meters.
- It must be remembered that the metal cascade should be laid on a waterproofing layer. They should protect the rafters from rotting and mold.
- Do not forget about vapor barrier. Currently, building materials stores offer a wide range of vapor barrier film materials.

As a prerequisite, when installing the roofing "cake" you need to take care of the good natural air circulation in the attic. For such ventilation, a small gap is enough, which will be between the profile of the metal tile and the waterproofing material. It is arranged with the help of a crate made of wooden beams soaked in antiseptic. Thus they are protected from further destruction.

If the Cascade metal tile is mounted on your roof, then in the locations of chimneys, dormers and roof windows it is necessary to make a continuous crate. In places where the profile is adjacent to the walls and chimneys, an apron is arranged, and only then the sheets are installed.
A protective film is removed from the sheets of the metal profile and after that they are mounted on self-tapping screws.
In the process of installation work on laying a metal profile, it is necessary to make exits for antennas and ventilation ducts, a lightning rod and gutters, roofing barriers and snow retainers.
Laying of the coating can be done from any end of the building. When the tent roof is covered, installation should begin from the highest point of the slope. From it, sheets are laid evenly in different directions.
The metal cascade is mounted with an overlap method. In this case, each subsequent sheet should cover the groove of the previous one.
The most convenient method is considered when laying sheets from left to right. At the same time, their edges should be a straight and accurate line. Sheets of metal fasten together with each other in the crest of the wave using self-tapping screws.
During installation, you should monitor the accuracy of the tiled pattern.
As a result, you can get a reliable and beautiful finish coating that meets the most demanding requests of developers.
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