Often, many standard apartments have very small bathrooms, in which it is quite difficult to fit everything you need. But if you carefully think over the layout and think through everything to the smallest detail, then you can not only harmoniously place all the necessary things, but also create a modern stylish design. Learn more about what design can be applied in the bathroom 4 sq. m. without a toilet, as well as visually see them in the photo, you can continue.
Initial stages
The arrangement of the bathroom is complicated by the fact that the location of the sink, bathtub and washing machine depends on the layout of the house and where the pipes go. That is, you need to think about the design of the bathroom already during the planning of the house. And if you live in an apartment building, then you have to adapt to an already prepared layout. Although this fact complicates the task, but to create a stylish bathroom design 4 sq. m. without a toilet, as in the photo below, you still succeed.

Since in stores you can now find a fairly compact household appliances, then, if you think through everything well, then in the bathroom is 4 square meters. m. even a small washing machine will fit. Then you have a choice: a bath or shower.

The second option will certainly take up less space, but some simply can not imagine their life without a bath. It can also fit in room area of 4 square meters. m., if the length of one wall is at least 1.7 m. As for the storage space, then even in such a small room a pair of cabinets or several shelves can easily fit.

It is better to attach the cabinets to the walls so that they do not take up much space, which in this case plays an important role.
As for the styles in the format of which you can design a bathroom, the following areas are especially relevant in 2019:
- Scandinavian style;
- classic style;
- modern style;
- minimalism.

Floor decoration
Since the floor in the bathroom is constantly in contact with water, in 2019 it is no secret to anyone that a laminate, parquet or carpet in this case is absolutely inappropriate. The best option for flooring in the bathroom is a tile. In order not to spoil the whole design with tiles, pay due attention to its choice.

You should not buy colorful bright tiles, as well as tiles with large patterns. Firstly, it will quickly get bored, and secondly, at the end of the repair, you may get the impression that you were in the bath from the USSR.
Give your preference to a tile in pastel colors or, for example, with a geometric ornament. It will also look stylish tile, which is made under the marble or other stones.

Wall design
As for the walls, it is also best to cover them with tiles, as this is the only moisture-resistant material that can cover vertical surfaces.
The tiles on the floor and on the walls must be combined, otherwise the design will look unfinished.

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It will be quite interesting to look at tiles made under a brick or other materials. And if it seems to you that just a tile is too boring, then you can create an entire composition from it. In 2019, there is a sea of ideas and options on how to do this. For example, one wall in the bathroom will be covered with one tile, and the second - another. The main thing is that these 2 options are combined with each other. Or you can make it so that the part of the wall on which water does not fall is covered with paint, and the other with tiles.

As shown in the photo, when choosing a bathroom design 4 sq. mwithout a toilet, they pay minimal attention to the ceiling, since it does not require decoration. However, its quality is still better to think about. Experts in the field of construction and repair believe that the best option for the bathroom is stretch ceilings.

They have many advantages:
- able to retain moisture in the event of a flood from neighbors;
- perfectly flat;
- durable
- looks aesthetically pleasing.
The only minus of stretch ceilings is their periodic sagging. But this problem can be easily dealt with by calling a specialist.

As for color, white is a universal option. And also you can choose stretch ceilings with the image of the sky, sea and so on. You can familiarize yourself with the options in the company directory directly.

If for some reason the stretch ceiling is not suitable for you, then you can simply paint it.
To make the bathroom look stylish and modern, just hanging a couple of bulbs is not enough. Since the bathroom requires good lighting, we recommend that you opt for spot lighting around the entire perimeter of the ceiling. To further illuminate the area near the mirror, you can use the LED strip, covering it with the edges of the mirror. And also you can buy a mirror with a built-in backlight.

Also read:Design a small living room: modern ideas for 2019
As for the various chandeliers, while thinking over the design of the bathroom 4 square meters. m. without a toilet it is better to forget about them. As you can see in the photo, large chic chandeliers are most often used in the design of spacious bathrooms. In a small room, they will look extremely inappropriate.
Stylish details
When you are already finished with all the main stages of the repair, you just have to add stylish details and your bathroom will be ready. It would seem such a trifle, but it is also worth paying due attention to it.

First of all, we advise you to buy containers for liquid soap, a stand for toothbrushes and a soap dish. The fact is that often soap and other personal care products are sold in ugly packages that will spoil the overall appearance of the bathroom.
Therefore, it will be much better if you buy beautiful containers for storing all those funds that are in your sight, and will constantly use them. Especially in 2019, a huge selection of different decorative storage containers, so that you will definitely find something suitable specifically for your design.

Since we have strong restrictions in space, it is not worth littering the surface with a huge number of decorative elements. It will be enough for 2-3 decorative candles or stylish figures that you like. Thus, the bathroom will have its own unique design, but at the same time it will not look overloaded.

Now let's talk about the curtain for the bathroom. If you get a curtain with some large pattern, then it will visually reduce the space, so it is better to opt for a plain curtain or with a small pattern. You can see the current ideas of 2019 in the photo. It will be ideal if all the towels in your bathroom will also be the same color, but this is not necessary.
Equally important details are hooks, handles and a towel dryer. Try to make sure that they all fit together and are made of the same material. This will make your bathroom even more harmonious.

These were only the most basic tips and current ideas of 2019 regarding the design of a 4 sq. Bathroom. m. without a toilet with visual photos. You should think over all other details yourself, thereby making repairs unique and original. But most importantly, do not be afraid to try, experiment and implement your wildest ideas.
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