Everyone can learn minimalism in the interior, as well as embody it in their space even without the help of a designer. This style is facing the future and people who are tired of unnecessary luxury and pomposity resort to it. For minimalism, the use of modern technologies and all the most advanced is more characteristic. There are several points to describe this style.
Characteristics of minimalism in the interior
- In the city, minimalism took root for the simplicity of forms, relative cheapness and open interior.

- All interior items should be located next to the wall for the competent release of space and its zoning.
Some of them can be placed on the wall for maximum release.
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- Minimalism is characterized by an open-plan room. If the room has any partitions, then, accordingly, the room should be redeveloped.

- The color scheme of minimalism is extremely calm and monotonous: two colors in the main interior, one is used only to emphasize and highlight some details.
Style features
- The lack of small decor is the main and most important feature and the difference between minimalism and basic interior styles. In the room of this style do not need decorative elements of romanticism.

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- The creation of a minimalist interior, mainly due to the diverse lighting.
It must be thought out very competently, because it decides almost the most important role in this style. For example, the use of a large chandelier in the living room will highlight several areas.
- Geometry is important enough for minimalism, as it is characterized by its characteristic simplicity, laconic form and sharp lines.
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- The use of plain furniture without elegant curls.

- It is especially important to use quality materials for minimal winter.
It can be wood, polished stone or marble.

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- Various design options for ceilings: stretch beige, white or cream colors, multi-level with hidden underline lighting.
As a result, we can draw the appropriate conclusions that minimalism is the most practical and convenient style for the modern layout of apartments and houses. The lightness of lines and simple geometry of shapes will please your eye for a rather long time, because a no-frills style is the most standard solution for a person of our 21st century.
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