An original novelty in home textiles - a pillow in the form of a bow for decorating a bedroom or living room, any other home premises has already been loved by many housewives. You can make such a pillow with your own hands and it is very simple.
Master Class
In order to make a stylish bow pillow for your favorite sofa or bed, you need to prepare the necessary materials:

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- The cloth. It can be cotton, silk, velvet or synthetics.
- Filler for pillows. You can take holofayyer, synthetic winterizer or any other suitable material.
- Threads in tone.
- If desired, you can decorate the pillow around the perimeter with braid. Then you need to prepare a suitable braid, fringe or lace.
- Velcro or buttons can be useful to make a removable belt.

The pillow in the form of a bow can be of any size, at the request of the craftswoman. The average size for a decorative pillow is 50 by 30. Therefore, the amount of fabric you need to choose based on size. It is necessary to take 2 times the length and width, given the allowances for the seams and another 20 cm for the girdle.
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You can make a pillow from the same fabric on both sides or use different cuts for one and the other side, which are combined with each other in color.
Getting started:
- From the fabric you need to cut out 2 rectangles 50 by 30 cm, leave allowances for the seams.
- Cut 2 strips of 10 by 50 cm for the girdle.
- Sew together all the details, leaving room for eversion.

- Unscrew main sheet and belt.

- Fill the pillow with padding polyester. Do not stuff the filler too much, let it be softer, because the pillow will pull together the belt.
- Unscrew the belt, smooth it.

- It is necessary to carefully sew in holes for turning out with a secret seam.

- Velcro or buttons can be sewn to the girdle. If desired, you can close the belt in the ring and stitch.

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An option for decorating such a decorative pillow can be lace, lace or fringe. They can be sewn around the perimeter of the rectangle of the main part.
Everything is ready, it remains only to put the belt on the pillow.

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These original bow pillows can be combined in the interior with regular square or rectangular pillows. For a harmonious decor, it makes sense to use the same fabric or fabrics as companions for sewing. You can choose multi-colored or multi-textured fabrics and combine the pillows into an ensemble with the same decor: braid or lace.

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