Heating cottages in winter: the most economical ways

how to warm the cottage

Trips to the country are relevant for the population not only in the summer. In winter, the cottage is used to relax away from the bustle and warm meetings with friends. On the rational side, it is right to periodically heat up a separate housing for preventive protection against destruction. A frequent question is the economic content of suburban real estate. Stores offer different types of heating systems, for customers focused on a multilateral request.

How to heat the cottage in autumn and winter

Thermal energy is derived from natural energy. Energy is converted into heat through coolants. Options such as wind and solar energy are used in specific locations. They are also divided into more affordable and effective. Heating a winter cottage is possible using a variety of options:

  1. Heating is due to the energy of the earth. A heat pump generates the thermal energy of a mass of earth into heat. The process occurs due to the circulation of the refrigerant, which, changing the internal pressure in the system, raises the temperature to 80-120 degrees. This is enough to provide the house with hot water and internal heating in country houses. The pump is powered by electricity, but uses it sparingly. This system is durable.
  2. Air heating. Occurs due to air heat transfer. Air is heated in the convector, which transmits it into space using a fan.
  3. Water heating. It is provided due to the energy of the water heated by the heat carrier. The heater is a gas or electric boiler and wood-burning stove.
  4. Heating due to fire. Heating in this way is the first and ancient way to keep warm. To use the energy of fire, you need material for combustion. Such is solid fuel (firewood, coal) or gas (natural, liquefied).
  5. Wind heating. It occurs due to the conversion of wind energy into electrical potential, which generates heat in the coolant. Suitable for facilities located in the coastal strip or open area.
  6. Solar heating. For a summer residence, which is located in a climatic zone with rare clouds, solar heating is used. The energy of solar heat is transferred to the coolant, which heats the airspace.
  7. Electric heating. An affordable and popular form of heating is electric current. Electric heaters operate through a variety of systems. Electricity is a way to ensure that the heater is operable, except for gas or solid fuel.

In the 21st century, over a long human experience, there were many ways to heat a country house in the winter economically, efficiently and safely. The choice of method depends on personal preference.

summer cottage heating

Types of heating systems

Types of heating systems are characterized by dimensional dimensions, the ability to heat the space in minutes and for a long time, the availability of the installation, safety. Each type of energy uses an adapted heating system. The presence of such a system in the country helps to live comfortably in the cold season.

Energy Heating equipment

Earth temperature

Heat pump.


Electric or gas convector with fan, buleryan.


Hydraulic accumulators, gas, wood or electric boiler with a radiator system.


Gas boiler, convector, stove, potbelly stove, buleryan, gas bottle.


Wind generator

The sun

Solar collectors, solar panels.


Radiant film heaters, underfloor heating, Finnish warm ceiling, baseboard heating.

It is possible to warm the cottage in the winter, both "do it yourself", and through system settings.

On a note!

The speed of heating a room depends on the scale of the area of ​​the room and the heater.

Gas heating

The ability to heat the cottage in winter without electricity, provides gas heating. Gas is cheap fuel and its use heats the room autonomously.

Gas is used in two physical states:

  1. Gaseous. Natural gas, taken in its pure form from the bowels of the earth, is delivered to gas storages. From them through pipes, he enters the boilers of residential buildings. Using a combustion wick, for which the gas acts as fuel, the coolant (water or air) is heated, warming the room. The downside is that only 66% of the area where summer cottages are located are equipped with a gas system.
  2. The liquid state. In liquefied form, in solid metal cylinders, synthetic gas is exported - propane. Through the gearbox, gas is transferred to the burner, which heats the air or water. This method allows you to live independently of the general central heating system. It makes it possible to heat the cottage, even in a remote area of ​​the earth, where a car with a balloon can reach.

Compared to electricity, gas is several times cheaper. This helps reduce utility bills. When calculating the annual rate, gas heating saves the budget by 2 times.


The gas boiler needs servicing once a year.

Electric heating cottages

Electricity is a popular way of heating among the population. Heats the country house with the help of a coolant and independently. When using a coolant, electric boilers are used that heat the internal heater. The heater gives off heat to the water that warms the room. For sufficient coverage of the heated area, radiators are used. Radiators in combination with polypropylene pipes transfer heat to the room in 1/2 hour. The house remains warm for 5 hours. Electricity is supplied from the mains and from solar analogs.

Electricity also acts as a source of thermal energy on its own. Insulation of the floor and skirting board with electric cables gives sufficient heating for a small space. It should be borne in mind that in winter this will require a greater amount of time. This type of heating acts as a source of additional heat supply.

summer cottage heating

Recommended positive reviews Finnish technology for warm ceilings. Electric cables are mounted between the insulation and decorative elements of the ceiling. Thermal energy acts on the principle of infrared radiation, which is displayed on top of the surrounding objects acting as coolants.

The analog option, which works on the principle of radiation, is film radiant electric heaters. They are resistors located between the polymer coating. Under electricity, resistors heat up, giving off heat to the aluminum coating. The coating, due to its area, reflects heat from the outer surface of the room.

Using electricity is a way to heat a cottage built in a place where there is no gas.

Alternative heating methods

Such methods include heating systems using the energy of the Earth and wind. An unpopular way of heating, but noteworthy. Equipment operating in the wind and due to the temperature of the Earth is cheap, because a significant amount of energy is generated from physical laws.

The temperature of the earth at a depth of 180 cm remains constant - 8-10 degrees. Underground groundwater at four degrees.Cold thermal energy under the influence of pressure in the pump is converted into a heat accumulator. Installation of such heating will cost about 500 thousand, but it pays off in use.

Wind energy is used with the help of a wind generator, which from active work converts the electrical energy heated by the house. The system is not suitable for windless regions and is dependent on wind activity. Therefore, it is better to use it as an additional way to warm the cottage in the winter.

summer cottage heating

Thermal ventilation units

The main conductor of heat is air heated by an electric coil. The fan helps to disperse thermal energy indoors. Thanks to this, the space warms up quickly. The ability to heat a specific area depends on the size of the heater itself. Heaters with fans can only heat one room.

Solid fuel heating systems

Solid environmental fuel for the home is coal and firewood. The most affordable material in a country house. They are used for ignition in the furnace, potbelly stove and buleryan.

A stove is a fairly common way of heating a room. It is used in villages and is notable for its versatility. The stove warms, it prepares food, sleeps, treats diseases. This is an autonomous way to economically warm your home. The principle of operation is that bricks heated by fire give off heat for several hours. The chimney system is equipped with a valve that helps limit the release of heat when firewood or coals burn out.


Closing the chimney with a valve when burning raw materials in the stove provokes smoke in the space, carbon monoxide poisoning and death for homeowners.

A potbelly stove is suitable for heating a garage, but it is also used in country houses. It consists of a metal cylinder and a pipe facing out. Due to the high heat transfer of the metal, the air warms up quickly. The downside is the limited heated room.

Buleryan is a metal cylinder with legs, with a system of air channels. The buleryan pipe exits at an angle, which ensures the removal of smoke and the preservation of warm air. Air ducts communicate with the room piping. Heated air circulates through the pipes, giving off heat.

summer cottage heating

Heating cottages with solid fuels requires active participation. Fuel burns quickly and to warm the room, you should periodically maintain fire.

Of additional importance is the material of the heating device. A brick oven warms up more slowly, but gives off heat longer. Potbelly stove and buleryan are made of metal. This material heats up quickly and ceases heat transfer early.

Solid fuel is the only way to heat the cottage without gas and electricity. Its accessibility and elementary rules of use help out.

summer cottage heating

When choosing a heating option, the main thing is to observe safety measures. It is dangerous to leave heating appliances unattended, to allow children to reach them, to touch hot surfaces with bare hands. It is useful to do periodic diagnostics of heaters. Solid fuel furnaces require soot removal. Water boilers eventually require descaling. With the right approach, modern heating technologies allow you to relax in the country even in winter.

Comments on the article: 2
  1. Vadim

    Thanks for the building tips, very thorough and intelligible.

  2. Buyer

    TeplopitBel is an energy-saving heater made in the Republic of Belarus from quartz sand and kaolin, which is used to heat non-residential and residential premises. The heat generator, by the way, gives space its heat incredibly quickly. And you can disconnect it from the network after a couple of hours of work. This will not prevent the quartz heater from continuing to perform its basic functions.

    It does not take up free space, as it is mounted on the wall, and not placed on the floor.The device also has such advantages: fire resistance, quiet operation, long service life, environmental friendliness. The first is the most profitable, because it allows you to buy monolithic quartz heaters to install them in a children's room!

    And this is not all the advantages of devices for heating TeplopitBel over many similar products! We list them: lack of contact with a cold environment, the ability to order it in any color or repaint in any color you like, environmental friendliness, perfect appearance, high level of efficiency.

    How to use them in order to save electric energy and not be disappointed in the purchase? Get a temperature controller. Its uniqueness is that it is able to hold any temperature (pre-set, in automatic mode). On the wall where you decided to install the air heater, securely fix the heat-reflecting film. Lock several brackets. Two of them are below, and one more is above.

    Where can I mount a TeplopitBel air heater? In administrative buildings, educational institutions, apartments, hospitals, cottages, garages, cafeterias, restaurants, clubs. If necessary, it is able to warm warehouses and basements.

    Always cover any room heated by the appliance. It seemed that there was not enough heat in it? Buy a couple more heaters and arrange them parallel to each other. And in order to save a lot of electricity, feel free to unplug energy-saving heaters from the outlet after a couple of hours.

    All basic information regarding the operation and installation of monolithic quartz sand slabs is described in an accessible language in the instructions (it is included). It contains the components: fasteners, cardboard packaging, plug, a very long wire. As a gift - a heat reflector. As a pleasant bonus - a guarantee on the product.

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