How to make residents not to litter in the entrance?

neighbors litter the porch

The administrative code and rules of conduct in public places list the ways how to make residents not to litter on the floors and front door. Measures of influence are conditionally divided into three categories - preventive, educational and punitive. The last category includes tools for influencing violators. Before resorting to them, at first they try to negotiate with their neighbors.

Intercom on the doors and cameras on the floors

Random companies become a source of garbage in the entrance. They smoke and drink alcohol, leaving behind dirt. The intercom will help minimize the likelihood of penetration of outsiders. The next line of defense is surveillance cameras. They are placed in places of potential waste accumulation.

On a note!

Before you install the equipment, conduct a meeting of residents. At least 50% of tenants must support the venture.

If you could not get the consent of the residents, you should not be upset. Help out the technical trick. Dummies of cameras are installed in the front door and on the floors. They are no different from the real ones. Depending on the model, they mix from side to side and “blink”.

Ideological work

Man appreciates what he has done. In the houses spend cleanups. After one of them, take photos in the style of "before" and "after". They are placed in a conspicuous place. Nearby is the signature.

Dear residents, on the 20th day we put together the staircase and each floor. Work took away xx hours and xx rubles. Let's keep clean. Otherwise, we will be forced to regularly spend money on garbage disposal.

Unfortunately, not everyone understands the printed word. The second way to enlighten “swindus” is photographs. As soon as one of the neighbors witnessed the placement of garbage on the site or in the front door, he immediately takes a photo of the culprit. The next step is to put the face of the “pig’s” in a prominent place. Few people want this “glory” to go about him in the house. The second option is before and after photographs. The procedure is as follows:

  • take some photos of garbage in the entrance;
  • pictures should be as frightening as possible;
  • take a few photos in a perfect clean entrance;
  • place both pictures on the poster “so with them” and “so with us”.

The final touch is motivational text. Its contents are reduced to comparison.

This is how houses look, where residents monitor cleanliness. The second photo is our entrance. Is it really pleasant for everyone to live in a stable?

Money is an effective educational tool. Each unscheduled cleaning is reflected in the utility bill. It is enough to post a photograph of the intruder on the poster several times. Next indicate the text of the following content.

Citizens, thanks to Ivanov P.V., each of us will pay more than xx rubles for the sanitary cleaning of the entrance this month. Let’s say thank you together.

After several such “advertising campaigns,” the intruder will take on the mind.

neighbors litter the porch

Residents go to the trick

Unnecessary things are distributed to neighbors and acquaintances. Many have a summer house or a country house. An old table or chairs will come in handy there. Waste blankets are used to warm the garage. If there is no one among the residents who want to pick up trash, then photos of the waste are posted on the forums. The only caveat is to collect the accumulated "good" offer on a pick-up basis.Within a few weeks, trash will find new owners.

Negligent neighbors dump garbage in common areas. They mistakenly think that they are not violating anything. It makes no sense to swear and scandal. Every day it is necessary to put rubbish under the doors of the “pigs”. The more difficult it will be for them to get out of the apartment, the sooner there will be a “clarification" in the head. The task of the neighbors is to make perplexed faces. Those around must “not even guess who every day puts trash under the door to the“ pigs ”.

Sending to a third party authority. The method works if the unscrupulous neighbors have weak nerves. At the entrance, advertisements are posted on behalf of the Ministry of Emergencies or ZhEK. They provide links to applicable regulations. The more smart words and phrases, the faster the awareness of the situation. Before writing such an announcement, study the regulatory framework. The second condition is that the announcement doesn’t indicate an “astronomical” amount, otherwise the neighbors will “figure out” the deception.

Authorities will come to the rescue

Solving problems through negotiations does not always work. The next step is to involve the administration. Houses that are in public and private housing stock, have managers. Putting order is their responsibility. The task of the residents is to record the fact of violation. A representative of the Housing Office or the management company will arrive at the place. The applicant monitors the correct preparation of the protocol. Photos are attached to the document. Administrative proceedings will require a compiled evidence base. In the pictures taken, heaps of garbage are fixed on all sides.

On a note!

Within 24-48 hours, the garbage will be removed. In case of failure to comply with the specified period, employees of the Housing Office or the management company will be held administratively liable.

Police intervention will make a difference

neighbors litter the porch

ZhEK employees are in no hurry to perform official duties? Do not lose heart. Law enforcement officers will assist. As soon as debris appears on the floor or in the front door, the local police officer is invited. He draws up a protocol and takes photographs. The collected materials will form the basis of administrative proceedings. If after drawing up the protocol the employees of the housing office do not complete their work, the document will be sent to the court. After reviewing the materials, the judge will impose an administrative fine.

In some situations, neighbors will say that the waste does not belong to them. From the point of view of the law, prosecution will be more difficult. The vigilance of the applicant will help to prevent impunity for negligent neighbors. His task is to collect photos and videos. They must clearly indicate the culprit. It will not be superfluous to find witnesses.

No one has canceled extreme measures

EMERCOM employees are the last resort. If the district and ZhEK have resolved to solve the problem, then you need to go to the rescuers. The law interprets garbage in the stairwell and in the front door as "cluttering the escape routes." In the event of a fire or other emergency, it will be difficult for residents to leave the building. The procedure for contacting the representatives of the Ministry of Emergencies is as follows:

  • make photo-fix garbage;
  • write a statement to the Ministry of Emergencies;
  • indicate in the document the alleged culprit of the problem;
  • attach to the document photos and contact details of witnesses.

After analyzing the information received, an EMERCOM employee will arrive at the scene. If the facts are confirmed, he will draw up two protocols. Rescue instructions are paramount. The district police officer, representatives of the Housing Office and the negligent neighbor were subjected to administrative fines. The latter will be punished twice. The second fine will be issued for violation of fire safety rules.

On a note!

You can’t put up with waste in the stairwell. They slow down evacuation during an emergency.

Cleanliness in the entrance is everyone's concern. First, eliminate external factors. We are talking about companies that drink and smoke. After installing the intercom, they try to equip the stairwells with real surveillance cameras or dummies. The second stage of the struggle is work with violators.At first they try to come to an agreement with them. If there is no result, then propaganda or law enforcement officials are involved.

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