Visor above the porch: types, how to do it yourself, photo


The peak above the country porch is not only a design element. In addition to aesthetic, the canopy also has a protective function. It protects the door, platform and thresholds from torrential streams and snow. In the end, he will not let a person get wet in the rain or “burn out” in the sun. What materials are best used to make a visor from, and how to assemble it yourself?

Types of peaks for a summer residence

First of all, the type of visor will depend on the preferences of the owners of the cottage. Someone will opt for wooden lattices, while someone will prefer the metal structure more. Both options would be appropriate.

There are five types of canopies:

  1. Stone.
  2. Forged.
  3. Metal.
  4. Wooden.
  5. Combined.

The most suitable in terms of reliability will, of course, be a visor from a profile pipe. Firstly, because the metal structure is strong enough and strong enough to withstand gusts of wind and heavy snow cover. Secondly, such a canopy turns out to be “openwork” enough to let sunlight into the porch, so you can not worry about darkening the site. Thirdly, even though such a visor turns out to be more expensive than a conventional wooden structure, it will serve a much longer period.

Item preparation

Do not build bulky structures. They will be too heavy, and for the country house does not require large awnings. It is enough to install a visor so that the door, the final platform and thresholds are protected from leakage of water. To do this, its length should be approximately one meter.

To build a canopy, we need a rolled metal product with a length of at least 25 meters. It is best to opt for an electric welded pipe of circular cross section. For the manufacture of a canopy, you can use profile pipes, but a product with a circular cross section is much easier to bend.

To design a summer porch, it is necessary to cut the following blanks:

  1. Four meter beams - 3 pieces.
  2. Meter segments for side beams - 4 pieces.
  3. Bent sections for profiled slope - 5 pieces. In order to get beams of the same curvature, you need to bend a six-meter pipe on the machine, and then divide it into five equal sections.

Visor assembly

In order to collect the canopy, you need to prepare the workplace. It is best to organize it indoors, for example, in a garage or a barn. For convenience, a wide table can be arranged in the building.

So, the visor must be assembled according to the following algorithm:

  • First you need to weld the supporting structure of the canopy. To do this, you need to lay out the blanks on the table in solder joints;
  • then you should weld the corner and cross posts;
  • in conclusion, it is necessary to establish arcs.

After creating the capital structure, you can begin to paint it. After the preparatory work is completed, roofing material will need to be attached to the base of the canopy. They are polycarbonate or ordinary galvanized sheet. The first option is preferable, since it can be harmoniously entered into the exterior. The only condition: the sheet thickness should not be less than one centimeter.

Since the visor above the porch carries not only an artistic function, it is necessary to approach its installation with all responsibility: choose the material, prepare the elements of the canopy and the workplace. It is best to cut pipes in the workshop or in production, since not every summer resident has a tool to do this. And to bring him to the site for the sake of one canopy is not entirely rational.

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