It is quite possible to save on bathroom repair if you do not touch on capital works. If capital work is not required, for example, replacing pipes or plumbing, a small budget is enough to update the interior of the bathroom. With such repairs, the emphasis is on parts, and on analogues that mimic more expensive materials.
Tiled Panels
With a complete repair of the bathroom, when you do not need to save money, most of the money goes to wall tiles. Given the work, even the most affordable brands of tiles are quite expensive, especially when it is placed under the ceiling. But for the economical repair of the bathroom, you do not need to use a real tile - it's better to do with plastic panels that imitate it.

Moisture-resistant panels are suitable for a shower or bathroom:
- rack and pinion;
- leafy;
- standard.

Read more: 10 design ideas that will make your bathroom stylish and luxurious
There are many different brands of such panels, so you can find the "tile" of any color and size. It is easily mounted on walls, so anyone can handle it and you don’t have to hire a specialist.
Tiles are also usually laid on the bathroom floor. This can also be saved if linoleum is used.
There are a lot of options for this material and its price is quite affordable. The main thing during installation is to use a plastic baseboard, which is much cheaper than wooden and resistant to moisture.

Also an alternative option can serve as a plinth:
- self-adhesive tape;
- PVC elements.
Using panels with linoleum, you can get a very nice and complete bathroom interior, which will look attractive and dignified.
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If the quality of the ceiling allows, then you just need to paint it with waterproof paint of the desired shade.

As it follows, having leveled the surface with putty and having completed all the points of the technology during painting, you can achieve an excellent result that is practically not inferior to the film in appearance.
If you don’t feel like messing with the paint, you can spend money on the stretch ceiling, all the more so because of the availability of technology and high competition, they have become much cheaper in recent years.
If the bathtub and washbasin have no damage to the surface and integrity, and just lost the novelty of their appearance, they can be restored.

For this, special solutions and mixtures are used, with which the yellowness and darkening are removed, for example:
- the use of improvised means;
- use of chemistry.
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Small chips and cracks in the enamel can be carefully tinted. Faucets are a rather serious problem, since new high-quality models are quite expensive and with their purchase the bathroom decoration will no longer be economical.

Therefore, if they work properly, it is better to carry out preventive repairs and update the chrome coating, also using various solutions.
This is the last point at which you can significantly reduce the total cost of repairs. If replacement is required, you need not to be lazy and should carefully study the proposals of many firms selling interior doors.

If you wish, you can find a good option for only 1000-1500 rubles, and such a door will have a completely modern and presentable appearance, as well as have the necessary protection against humidity.
Minimum details
One factor that often inflates the budget of any repairs is the misuse of the parts.
Carried away by the decor, the owners do not notice how many unnecessary little things lead to additional costs and as a result, repairs are much more expensive than planned. If the goal is saving, then everything that is unnecessary must be completely eliminated.

Read more: Nautical style bathroom
For example, it could be:
- borders
- additional lights;
- a mirror built into the wall;
- other similar items.
Without them, a bathroom can look quite attractive if the walls, ceiling, floor and doors in it are combined with each other.
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