All people dream of attracting luck and pushing away any negative. However, this is not about superstitions and signs. The point is the subtle laws by which our world works. Let's talk about 10 things that attract luck to the house and 10 things that, on the contrary, repel it.
What determines the happiness in the house
There are many things that are designed to attract good luck and positive energy into the house. It is important to know that each such item has its own application.
The most positive subjects:
- The correct color of the front door. One of the main attributes of any room is the front door. The attraction of good luck in the house also depends on its color. It is important that the color of the door matches its location. So, doors facing the south are usually made red or orange, while doors that are facing north are painted blue or black. Western doors are best made gray or white. But the eastern entrance is brown or green.

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- Fresh flowers in pots or fresh plants in vases. Fresh flowers - this is one of the main elements that must be present in every apartment building. Potted flowers are best suited. Beautiful fresh bouquets in vases are also acceptable. It is only important that they do not have thorns and dried leaves.
- Figures of elephants. They will help get rid of negative energy. It will be enough 2-3 elephants. And these animals will help to become more persistent, faithful and wise.

- Incense and aromatic oils, fresh fruits. Incense not only fills the house with pleasant aromas, but also helps to improve its energy, relax and calm down. The same applies to all kinds of aromatic oils. Citrus oils, aromas of conifers and tea tree are especially suitable for cleansing and attracting good luck. Good luck in the house attract fresh fruits and especially oranges.
- Horseshoe. Another important element that attracts luck to the house. It is best hung above the front door. Usually they hang it upside down so that luck entering the house does not leave it again.
- Five pointed star. Great alternative to horseshoe. It should also be placed above the front doors.

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- Aquarium, fountain or beautiful water tank. It is important that the house has some kind of symbol of water. It should be kept in perfect cleanliness and not placed in the bedroom.
- Crystal products. They have powerful positive energy. They attract happiness, success and prosperity, both material and psychological. A crystal pyramid is able to save money from excessive spending and theft. If it is necessary that the properties of the crystal product are enhanced, you can put it on the windowsill. The sun's rays activate its positive properties.

- Red threads. They attract wealth, love and good fortune. It is the red thread that is usually tied to the wrist in order to protect oneself from the negative influence of others. If you place products with red threads in your house or just a ball, then there will be prosperity and a positive atmosphere in it. You can also wind threads on a stick or a spoon made of wood. It is important that the threads are bright scarlet.
- Yellow coins in a red bag. Another important symbol that can attract good luck to your home. It can be special “Chinese” bought in an esoteric store, or just coins that are in use in the country of residence. They need to be placed in the full moon on the windowsill. In the morning, put these coins in a red bag made of natural fabric and store it in the box in which the jewelry is located.This ritual is usually performed once every six months.
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Don't keep it in the house
There are things that have negative energy. It can provoke problems with money, health, and family relationships.
The most common negative things:
- Dry and inanimate flowers. Dead plants bring one setback, as well as financial problems.
- Trash. These are unnecessary things that are a pity to throw away. The more such objects in the house, the greater the negative that they attract. A cluttered room is a source of negative energy. And therefore it is worth getting rid of old newspapers and magazines, unnecessary clothes, broken things and cracked dishes as quickly as possible.

- Old pictures. They cause sadness or regret, they should also be thrown away, and it is better to burn. Thus, a person gets rid of the emotional burden accumulated in them.
- Things from "negative" people. You should not store in the house those things whose owners have negative energy. You should not take into the house those objects that belonged to a person who has already died.
- Bad amulets and talismans, especially money. They represent a source of money problems, pushing luck away from home. Therefore, it is worth monitoring everything that is in the room in which you live, and getting rid of broken and unnecessary things in time, and even more so of objects of power that have become unfit. Usually they are burned.

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- Worn wallets. They should not be kept at home, otherwise luck and prosperity will turn away.
- Money "under the mattress." It is better that they are in use or stored in a bank.
- Spoiled products. They should not be in the refrigerator, otherwise a person will receive not only a stream of negativity, but also poisoning in addition.
- Stuffed animals. They push luck away from home. It is worth ruthlessly parting with these items. In extreme cases, they should be placed in a separate room.

Cracked items. They can be attributed to spoiled things. They should also be disposed of as soon as possible.
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