Not so long ago, few people knew about such things as a slicer, a grinder for spices or a coffee grinder. However, these devices have become familiar to housewives. It is interesting to know that there are many different useful devices, which for many become useless. We made the top 15 strange, but useful in the household items that for some reason are not used in Russia.
Bottle opener
This device is popular in Myanmar, especially such a bottle opener is often found in hotels and visitors like it. But not because this item is more convenient than conventional bottle openers.

Often they get it in order to ask others what this device is for. After all, rarely does anyone know that a small piece of wood with a screw bolted to it is used to open the bottles.
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Bacon press
Russians also love bacon, but in our country it is not as popular as among the British or Americans, therefore this device is rarely used in our country. When the bacon is fried in a pan, it takes on a wavy shape. However, some bacon lovers do not like this, and so that the meat does not have waves, they use a special press during cooking.

The bacon press can be used for other purposes, for example, the item is suitable for frying cutlets, cheesecakes, fish, as well as other products. Also, a bacon press can be used for products that need to be well fried.
Cheese knives
This kit in Russia will be of little use to anyone. For example, Russians often cut parmesan or soft blue cheese with one ordinary knife. Such a variety of knives is often used in France, Italy, they know that for each kind of cheese it is necessary to use different knives.

For example, for cheese of medium softness, it is recommended to take a knife with holes, it is advisable to cut hard cheeses with a cheese plane, but it is recommended not to cut the parmesan, but to break it off with a special spatula.
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Tajine is a container made of clay, it was invented in Morocco. Due to the cone-shaped lid, cooked in tazhin are very tasty and retain a pleasant aroma. The dishes are used in many African countries.

Grater plate
The plate is popular in the Mediterranean countries, because they like to add garlic and lemon zest to dishes. The pluses of this dish are that it is easier to wash, and due to its small size it does not take up much space, and it can be stored with ordinary dishes.

Grill bucket
This item is originally from Thailand. Once upon a time, street vendors prepared various dishes in it. This is a small burner made of clay, on which you can put pans or wire rack. Today, the grill bucket is most often used for picnics, since the device does not pose any danger and is very convenient to use.

Bamboo brush
A similar brush is often used in Asian countries, it is suitable for washing pans with non-stick coating.In addition, they say that the bamboo brush very well launders dishes, and the greasy pan can be completely cleaned without the use of detergent.

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Embossed rolling pin
An unusual rolling pin is originally from Norway, with its help you can cook lefse.
Lefsse - traditional soft Norwegian pancakes, which are prepared from potatoes or flour with milk or cream and butter.

Also, a relief rolling pin will help speed up the process of rolling out the dough and give it an unusual shape.
Potato crusher
The Russians are used to mashed boiled potatoes with a pusher. Potato crusher is used in the USA and Western Europe. An interesting device is very similar to a garlic squeezer, but only of a large size.

However, the potato crusher differs from the crush in that, with this method of squeezing the potato, the integrity of the starch cells is preserved, and the dish is airy. Also, a potato crusher is used in the preparation of desserts.
Pineapple peeling knife
Such a knife is often used in tropical countries. Russians do not often buy fresh pineapples, and it’s difficult to peel them with an ordinary knife. In this case, there is not too much pulp left and it is not possible to remove the prickly brown eyes, which can injure the mucous membrane. If you clean the pineapple with a special knife, then the described problems will not arise.

Corn holder
Most often, the item is used in the United States. A small fixture is stuck in an ear of corn. Thus, it is more convenient to eat. However, in Russia such a holder for corn is almost never used.

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Bath cover
Bath covers are used in Japan to save space or for interior decoration. Lids are made of wood or other material. So, using the lid of the bath, you can make, for example, a massage table or even a berth.

Electric racket
Electric racket is famous in Southeast Asia. With the help of a metal grill, which passes current, it is possible to catch insects. It is only necessary to wave a racket a few times, and the insects will be caught.

An unusual item that is used in Japanese cuisine. Otshibuta is a lid that floats on the surface of a dish; it helps to maintain its shape and evenly distribute heat.

Now these covers are made of silicone, and before they were made of wood.
Baker's lame
It is used when preparing a French baguette. The device is a blade on a stick, with its help make cuts on the prepared dough. If you make incisions with an ordinary knife, then the dough will stick to it, but if you cut the dough with a blade, this will not happen.

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