No matter how good the Chinese online store AliExpress has, on this platform there are also unscrupulous sellers who sell low-quality and useless goods. We present to your attention the 20 worst products from AliExpress, which are absolutely not justifiable.
Posture Straightening Bandage
Price: 61-92 rub.

In fact, this thing is generally difficult to call a bandage, since it absolutely does not fulfill its mission and there can be no talk of any posture straightening.
Read more: 30 cool and unusual notebooks from AliExpress
Robert Downey Jr Head
Price: 1 994 rub.
It is difficult to imagine who and why will buy the miniature head of a famous actor.

On AliExpress there are similar figures with heads and other famous personalities.
Lip augmentation device
Price: 76 rub.

This thing looks rather strange, but still fulfills its mission - lips are enlarged, only the effect disappears too quickly. After a few minutes, the lips get their usual shape.
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Slimming mask and facelift
Price: 131-164 rub.

This is another thing that supposedly helps to change the face, but in fact there is no benefit from it.
On the product page, the seller posted a photo before and after using this mask, and the differences are really visible on them. However, judging by customer reviews, this is just photoshop.
T-shirt with hairy male breasts
Price: 730 rub.

Despite the strangeness of this thing, it is still actively bought. But the question is: what events can I go to in such a T-shirt?
Men's bikini swimsuit
Price: 325 rub.

This thing does not need long descriptions, because to understand all its strangeness, just look at the photo.
Read more:30 coolest stationery items from AliExpress
Smelly bomb
Price: 19 rub.

The whole point of this thing is that it can burst at any time. And when it bursts, its owner will feel far from the most pleasant smell.
Meat Pants
Price: 665-731 rub.

As it turned out, a shirt with hairy male breasts is by no means the strangest thing from the clothing section that you can find on AliExpress. Pants with a print in the form of meat - this really looks shocking.
Giant heel shoes
Price: 39 860 rub.

Looking at these shoes in my head there is only one question: "How to get on them?"
Designer boots
Price: 20 948 rub.

Perhaps this design idea will someday become the main fashion trend, but for now this pair of shoes looks very strange and completely indescribable.
Too original hat
Price: 2 240 rub.

It's hard to believe, but in the vastness of AliExpress you can even find things that not only plunge into shock, but also make you laugh.
Read more:13 cool shoe storage items on AliExpress
Dispenser for liquid soap in the form of a nose
Price: 647 rub.

Of course, even the strangest things have a right to exist, but most likely, few people will want to hang a soap dispenser in the shape of a huge nose in their bathroom.
50 plastic cockroaches
Price: 448 rub.

Another thing, the method of application of which, if known to someone, is only to the seller himself.
Useless box
Price: 931 rub.

The whole essence of the game with this box can be accommodated in two actions: you open it, and it closes itself an infinite number of times.
Leash for baby
Price: 1 107-1 439 rub.

On the one hand, this device will help to protect the child on the street, but on the other hand, a baby attached to someone looks at least strange.
Piglet muzzle for a dog
Price: 464-560 rub.

Not the most shocking thing on our list today, but nonetheless quite unusual.
The seller also has the same muzzle in the form of a duck's beak.
Acne Extraction Simulator
Price: 1 197 rub.

As they say, everyone has different tastes, but who might like it?
Brick pillow
Price: 151-299 rub.

Sometimes everyone has a desire to diversify the interior at home, but even in this case, few people come up with the idea to buy a brick pillow.
Miniature toilet
Price: 198 rub.

The main useless thing on our list was this item, which does not perform any functions at all.
Weirdest mask
Price: 1 091 rub.

Looking at this mask, there is only one desire - to sympathize with the people who bought it.
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