Scientists have discovered which of the products constantly consumed by humans provoke the development of oncological diseases and harm the state of health in general.
These products should not just be feared, but completely excluded from your diet.
What 5 foods can be hazardous to health
Recent trend - people began to switch to vegetarian food, refusing products of animal origin. The most dangerous in the formation of cancer are:
- Red meat.
It negatively affects the cellular structure, which leads to heart disease, the development of malignant neoplasms, early skin aging. Meat is a provocateur of the development of cancerous tumors in the colon and rectum.

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Researchers point to a high content of animal protein and recommend reducing the consumption of red meat to a minimum. An excess of animal proteins in the body causes tumor diseases of the pancreas.
- Salt.
It occupies the first position due to the accumulation of chlorine, known as an active carcinogen. Peresalivanie home-made dishes increases the risk of cancer in the digestive system.

Salt is a provocateur of the formation of calculi in the kidneys, leaching of calcium from bone tissue. It is recommended to significantly reduce salt intake, replace it with sea or Himalayan.
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- Potato Chips.
When prepared, many carcinogens are formed. It is recommended not to give chips to children under 12 years old, while the body is not yet formed.

It is proved that the use of chips by adults increases the likelihood of developing breast cancer in women, cancer of the stomach, skin.
- Microwave popcorn.
Of course, it’s convenient, just put the purchased bag in the oven and get ready popcorn in a couple of minutes. But who thinks that this product is a pure carcinogen that hits the liver, pancreas?

But this is a favorite treat of children and adults who are happy to crunch steamed corn with an artificial butter flavor, not suspecting how it is processed so that a beautiful and appetizing looking product comes out of the bag! This treat should be immediately excluded from your diet, especially if the family has children.
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- Dairy.
Who would have thought, but it is processed milk that promotes the growth and development of cancer cells, especially in women. Curds, sour cream, cream, ice cream are pure carcinogens that nourish cancer cells and help their growth and reproduction.

It has already been proven that the use of all dairy products leads to malignant neoplasms in the mammary glands.
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Statistics show that last year oncological pathologies were recorded in 1.5 million inhabitants of the planet. It is known that oncological diseases are difficult to treat, constantly give relapses, grow metastases. Scientists have not yet developed effective drugs against malignant pathologies.

Experts advise to be careful about your health and exclude hazardous foods from your diet.
Medical practice has already collected solid information about the causes of malignant neoplasms. Unfortunately, the use of a number of foods that are daily in the human diet is declared to be important reasons.
What idiot was writing this crap? Hungry vegan?