A biofireplace is not an imitation, but a real hearth with live fire, adapted for any room. It retains the advantages of an ordinary fireplace, but is free from disadvantages - it does not need a chimney, firewood, it does not need to clean it from ash and soot. When it is impossible to arrange a fireplace for technical reasons, but you want to, a bio fireplace is suitable - safe, environmentally friendly, beautiful.

A fireplace is a symbol of the hearth, comfort, peace and an original addition to the interior. Center living room, bedroom or a nice accessory in any room. Watching a live fire is rest and relaxation for the eyes, nerves and body. Useful not only at home. A biofireplace can be put in a study, office, restaurant, in the yard - anywhere. No need to adapt or rebuild the room. In style, size, shape, finish there are appliances for every taste.
Bio fireplace design
Simple and reliable. In essence, this is an advanced alcohol burner. It consists of a tank for fuel, a burner, a protective screen, a housing and decorative elements. Materials are durable and non-combustible.
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Stainless steel fuel tank with a capacity of 60 ml to 5 liters. Provides a bio fireplace for several hours. It does not deform and does not heat up. Alcohol is poured through a funnel. The design is such that gases do not accumulate inside, therefore sparks and explosion of the device are impossible.

Burners produce several types: capillary, wick, gravity. The principle of operation is the same for everyone - they work on an evaporative basis. The fuel evaporates in the chamber under heating without oxygen, and its vapors coming out, burn out in the air.
Fireproof glass shield around the burner on one or more sides to insulate fire.

Case - a variety of design solutions. Materials - steel, granite, glass, marble, ceramics. Non-combustible or specially treated. The burner is lined with decorative ceramic wood, indistinguishable from birch or pine, glass-ceramic coals, natural stones, pebbles, sand.
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Fuel - denatured alcohol with additives, so that the flame is red-yellow, and not bluish. It does not smoke during combustion, it decomposes into water and carbon dioxide, is non-toxic and safe when inhaled. For small biofireplaces, fuel is produced in the form of a gel based on the same bioethanol.
Types of biofireplace
Floor, built-in, hanging, corner. Sizes: from the impressive traditional fireplace portal to the desktop. The choice depends on the size of the room, style, taste of the owner.

- mobility - can be placed anywhere, transferred (if the biofireplace is not built-in);
- safety - the flame, although open, does not go beyond the protective shield, burns stably and evenly, without sparks. The case does not heat up, the heat dissipation is small. Therefore, the portal of a large fireplace can be made of wood, drywall. There is no smoke, soot, soot, soot, even the device itself is not dirty with combustion products. Alcohol burns without a smell. The release into the air is comparable to the burning of a candle. Does not “burn” oxygen in a room. The emission of carbon dioxide is negligible, and does not affect the well-being with regular ventilation.

Due to its simple construction and good materials, it is almost eternal. Parts are motionless, do not wear out. In models with automatic control (remote control, smartphone, tablet), electronic devices may fail, but not the device itself.
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The choice is very large.But if you don’t like one, it’s easy to order a bio fireplace according to your design.
No engineering networks, supply of communications are required, even a socket is not needed.

Installation: sold ready, no need to assemble. The floor is placed a few centimeters from the wall, suspended - at least 40 cm from the floor. Long biofireplace set at the level. Desktop put on the table, shelf. It will not spoil the polish or varnish.
Operation: pour fuel into the tank by 2/3, ignite with a special lighter, which is included in the kit. Do not use paper or other kindling for ignition. It is simple to extinguish a torch - with the help of a valve. Automated models are controlled by a remote control, they have control over fuel consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. It is impossible to add alcohol to a lit fireplace - turn it off, let it cool. Add fuel using a funnel.

Safety regulations
It is important to remember that the fire is real, so you should not refuel a burning fireplace:
- Do not leave flammable objects above the flame, do not drop;
- do not allow children to kindle and extinguish a biofireplace;
- ventilate the room. If the device works for a long time, open the windows or doors.

- cannot be used for heating (heat dissipation is too low);
- high price;
- there are complaints of smell, headache when the biofireplace is on. This is possible when using low-quality alcohol. Or the device works for a long time, but the room is not ventilated. Or include in a small room.
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