In modern homes and apartments, the concept of a home office is not something exotic. But at the same time, it is desirable to organize your workplace in such a way that work does not create problems for family and personal life, and vice versa, so that life does not interfere with the work process.
Home office idea
Unfortunately, not everyone can allocate a separate room for a home office, so you have to huddle with a computer somewhere in the corner of the living room, bedroom, and even in the kitchen.

Naturally, such an organization of the workplace is extremely inconvenient, and the interior is unlikely to be painted. But, a specially equipped office cabinet can be a saving idea, especially when there is not so much free space in the house.
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It can be a cabinet with hinged doors or a wardrobe. Such a cabinet can hide behind its doors a computer table, and all equipment, and a pull-out chair, and shelving with drawers, where all the paraphernalia and necessary working literature will be stored.

This idea allows, firstly, to compactly and rationally organize a workplace, and in any room at home, and, secondly, quickly and easily hide all the computer facilities behind the doors, without violating the overall design of the room.
Of course, it is most likely impossible to find a ready-made cabinet of this kind, but now it is not at all difficult to solve this problem by making such a cabinet to order in one of the relevant companies.

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Office cabinets with swing doors are probably more common, and this is due to the fact that the widened doors of such a cabinet play the role of side walls, creating the illusion of a more enclosed space.
Rummaging on the Internet, you can find many options for organizing a home office in a closet, so go ahead, experiment, and you will have a comfortable place to work.

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