Every year, prices for utilities are getting higher, which pretty much affects the budget of many families. Therefore, the question naturally arises in my head about how to save electricity in a private house. In addition to the little tricks that we will talk about later, there are several more ways. They save electricity more significantly, but are illegal, so we strongly recommend that you not use them.
Use LED bulbs
So, a good way to save electricity is to replace all the usual bulbs in your home with LED ones. These bulbs have 2 main advantages. Firstly, they last 6-8 times longer, and secondly, they consume 12 times less electricity. The only negative is the price. If an ordinary light bulb costs about 30 rubles, then the LED is about 300. But this cost will pay off pretty quickly.

Do not waste electricity
Perhaps this is the most elementary rule, but despite this, many ignore it. Take the habit of turning off the lights as soon as you leave the room, not lighting rooms in which there is no one. These simple habits help reduce electricity consumption by 2 times.
If you live in a private house and you need to illuminate the territory adjacent to it, then give your preference not to ordinary flashlights, but to those that run on solar panels.

Choose a heat pump
If you are thinking about how to save electricity in a private house, even when planning it, then we strongly recommend that you choose a heat pump as a heating device. At first, this idea may seem unprofitable, but a heat pump helps save more than 40% of electricity in the heating season.
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Buy less costly equipment
Modern household appliances are designed to consume as little power as possible. That is, a modern refrigerator or TV requires less electricity than older models.

You can learn about the cost of technology by asking a sales consultant or by reading the technical specifications of the device.
All things related to household appliances belong to a certain class of energy efficiency. More information about these classes can be found in the store.
Also read: What should I do if the refrigerator door does not close tightly?
Set the correct counter
The correct model of the meter will help you competently consume electricity. For example, a two or three tariff meter allows you to pay less at night, while a standard single tariff meter does not.

Two- and three-tariff meters will be very beneficial for those who use electricity and household appliances mainly at night.
Turn off standby
Remember how often and for how long you leave your computer or, for example, TV, in standby mode. If you do this quite often, then urgently give up this habit, which is wasting your money.

Use the Smart Home system
If you quite often forget to turn off the light or, for example, an electric kettle when leaving the house, then try to buy appliances with the built-in Smart Home function.This feature allows you to control the operation of household appliances from your phone, even if you are far from home.
Therefore, if you forget to turn off the eclectic kettle with the Smart Home function, then you can do it at any time using your smartphone.

Switch to spotlight
Experts have proven that spotlights require significantly less electricity than the same chandelier. Making a choice in favor of spot lighting, you by no means change the price for quality, because using spot lighting is not only cheaper, but in most cases more convenient.
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To summarize, there are 2 main rules for saving energy: do not use electricity unnecessarily and choose the right technique. These methods will help you reduce costs while not making your life less comfortable.
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