What can be made from plastic bottles for the home

Most people use plastic bottles every day, which are then sent to the bin. But on some products, you can save the family budget when decorating your yard and living space, if you properly dispose of unnecessary packaging. After all, it will not be necessary to acquire new material for the production of decor. There are many ideas that you can make from a bottle with your own hands. The crafts will look original and quite beautiful.

Plastic bottles

Garden flowerbed

To implement such an idea will require a large amount of PET. In order to build such a fence, you should do the following manipulations:


  1. Before you begin to build such a fence, you should carefully think through everything and outline the boundaries.
  2. To make plastic bottles more resistant to possible damage, sand must be poured into each.
  3. After that, they need to be buried half in the ground. The bottom should be placed at the top.
  4. At the end of the procedure, you can paint the constructed fence in a certain shade.

Bird feeder

On trees quite often there are feeders made from bottles. But for birds they are not always convenient, since they do not always fit enough food. You can make holes in the bottles and build spoons in them that serve as poles. For such crafts, the following materials will be required:

1.5 liter bottle

  1. Ruler or tape measure.
  2. Scissors or a knife.
  3. A bottle with a volume of 1.5 or 2 liters.
  4. Spoons made of wood.
  5. Wire.

First you need to measure about 9 centimeters from the bottom and make a through hole. It should be equal in diameter to the handle of the spoon. After the second cut is made the same, stepping back from the first about 7 centimeters. This should be done on the other hand, so that the spoons when viewed from above resemble a cross. Make another small hole above the previous ones. This is necessary so that the grain sprinkled into a spoon. You can attach such a feeder using a wire or a thick thread by the neck.

Bird feeder

Decorative candlestick

There are many interior items that can be made from plastic bottles, for example, a decorative candlestick. For its manufacture, you will need such materials and tools:

Decorative candlestick

  1. Scissors. It is desirable that they be sharp.
  2. Satin tape.
  3. Plastic eggplant - 2 pieces.
  4. Hot melt adhesive.

To make a cup and a leg, one bottle should be cut off 7 cm from the neck, and the second should be cut off. Glue two pieces along the edges of the throat. A smaller diameter should be a stand, and a larger diameter should be the base.

The production of such a candlestick will take a maximum of 10 minutes. In order to hide the glued parts, decorate with a wide ribbon.

Plastic greenhouse for plants

To build a plastic greenhouse, some skills are needed. Such a building has certain advantages:


  1. Ability to move to another place.
  2. Easy to manufacture.
  3. Long service life.
  4. Cost.

It will take a lot of empty bottles. Each cut off the bottom and neck so that no bends remain. After this, a cut should be made along the entire length of the workpiece. To make the material even, it needs to be ironed through thick paper.

It is necessary to fasten the plastic with wire or kapron thread, making holes for them with an awl. It is better not to use fishing line for this purpose. For the frame, wooden planks are suitable.

Butterflies for decor

Pets are an excellent material for the manufacture of various interior decorations. For example, from plastic bottles you can make decorative butterflies, which can be mounted on the wall. To do this, you will need:

Multi-colored bottles

Butterflies for decor

  1. Paints.
  2. Good glue.
  3. Scissors and awl.
  4. Beads.
  5. Wire and kapron thread.
  6. Candle.
  7. Different color bottles.

It is necessary to make a cylinder from a bottle, cut it to length, and then cut the wings. You can smooth the edges and give the desired shape to the product with a burning candle. The body of the butterfly will be a rigid wire, beads can be strung on it. Glue the prepared parts together.

There are many ideas for useful homemade crafts made from plastic bottles. This is a very cheap and high-quality decor that absolutely everyone can do.

By such methods, experts recommend taking children and developing their thinking and needlework.

Comments on the article: 3
  1. Denise

    Plastic bottles, of course, belong to the palm in the ability to spoil the interior. No less terrible - whether painted, whether cut. stuck in the ground or hanging - they look in the open area of ​​the country. Well, furniture made of plastic bottles is not just a horror movie, it is the real 9th ​​circle of aesthetic hell. Where ideological inspirers and manufacturers of such bottle masterpieces go.

  2. Marina

    Of all the inventions shown, I like the idea of ​​cutting flower beds, which is acceptable.

  3. Tatyana

    Use plastic bottles — save mother our NATURE. I am for various processing, but where are these plants or companies that will be engaged in processing? This 100 years plastic does not decay. Prohibit its release at all! A greenhouse in the country can be built!

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