Original shelves are an integral part of a modern fashionable interior. Such constructions have become a trendy trend due to their placement in places that have not been used before, with the aim of using non-functional space. The second important point is the rejection of the traditional square or rectangle and the use of non-trivial do-it-yourself configurations.
Options and Forms
Photos of advanced interiors abound in unusual structures - open pencil cases, window frames, rhombuses and ovals, and even whole compositions with semantic content. When looking at such beauty, a problem arises, how to do it, where to order, are there any special firms that deal with such things.

In most cases, it turns out that they are made by craftsmen, for whom to make something is not a job, but a hobby, a means of self-realization.
Unique things can be made using improvised materials - industrial pallets, plywood packaging boxes, the remains of woodworking production and spring sawing of trees, PVC pipes, metal rods - all that is enough for imagination.
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A simple shelf is made of boards, but these same boards can be fastened in a different way, placed in an unusual place, decorated with original materials using building materials - adhesive film, felt, stain and polish.
- A corner shelf made of old cracked logs and plywood will close the corner in the attic or the space under the stairs.

- Shelf-ladder.
Easy to manufacture, if you have at hand the remnants of old furniture and a high-quality hardware, creates the illusion of a non-standard solution to the space and looks more than modern if you cover it with oil paint or a dark stain. It can be built from an old wooden stepladder, which has fallen into disrepair.
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- Extremely simple wall shelves can be hung on decorative laces, old, unnecessary belts, thick twine, ship ropes and metal chains - and the scope for imagination is still not limited here.

- A delightfully primitive shelf with shelves from an old cabinet can be made on light bricks glued with superglue and skillfully tinted.
It can be put in the garage, in the kitchen, and even in the living room, if everything else in style fits into such a decision.

- The wood shelf is suitable for both eco-style and for a children's room decorated in pop art.
This is a good solution for a loft or attic bedroom, in a place where the rise of the roof ridge reaches its highest height.

Good decisions usually come spontaneously. In a person with a creative vein, an idea is born from three indispensable combinations - the installation site, improvised materials and an urgent need.
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Paradoxical simplicity and expediency can be somewhat inferior to a winning and spectacular form. But the need for individual projects is usually born not from looking at someone else's work, but from the fact that you need to occupy an empty space or place objects that you want to keep in sight.

To build a shelf from a PVC pipe is easier than ever and the strength of the most inept craftsman. But it can be used as a means of spectacular zoning, exciting decor and original interior details. And this is an original solution with an infinite number of accommodation options.

Ways and Techniques
Before you begin the independent creation of interior items, it is always recommended to decide on several important things.
The most important of them is the intended purpose and regularity of use. If this is a shelf in the bathroom or hallway, where things will be constantly folded or taken, the shelves should be securely fixed. For decor or as a souvenir, they can be conditional - hanging on a twine, belt or thick twine.

The second, no less important point is the location. After all, it is from him that the master’s plan begins, dictated by an urgent need or a desire to occupy an empty space in order to give it an ennobled look.
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Original shelves can now be a detail of the interior of any living space. But if they are of unusual shape, with cells of different sizes, you need to think about what items can be placed on each of them, and whether they fit the main function of the room.

Step-by-step video instructions
There are many detailed instructions on the worldwide information network.
Here, for example, how to make a corner shelf:
And this is an instruction for those who want to create a fundamental design:
Instructions on how to make a beautiful shelf from junk items or unnecessary items:
And finally, shelves without nails and screws:
These are well-shot and detailed explanations for those who want to engage in independent creativity, self-realization and at the same time decorate their home. People share their ideas and ideas, in the hope that they will also be useful to someone.
You can see the principle of fastening, installation, gluing, borrow the idea of using building materials. Everything else is at the request of the craftsman.

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