I always want to decorate my home interior in an interesting and original way. Often, you don’t even need to spend a lot of money for this, but rather put a little effort and turn on the imagination. Today we will consider how to make an original pillow-knot with your own hands. Believe me, everyone can cope with this even without special sewing skills.
Original pillow knot
To make such a pillow is quite easy, the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions.

Tools and materials:
- knitted fabric;
- sewing machine;
- threads
- needle;
- scissors;
- synthetic winterizer, synthetic winterizer or any other filler;
- PVC pipe.
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Working process:
- We take the fabric and fold it in half, then cut into 4 identical parts approximately 17 cm wide.

In order to make a pillow of a standard size, we need a piece of fabric measuring 1 m by 1.5 m.
- We take two strips of fabric and sew them along the edge. With the remaining two lanes we do the same. As a result, instead of four strips 1.5 meters long, we get two three-meter strips.

- Fold each strip in half and sew along the edge.

- We turn our resulting strips inside out. We take the PVC pipe and insert it into the fabric.

If you do not have the right pipe at hand, then you can do it yourself. For example, from several pipes from foil glued with clerical tape.
- We begin to fill the tissue tubes with a synthetic winterizer or synthetic winterizer. You can use any other filler, but these 2 options are considered the most optimal. By the way, we need a PVC pipe just to make it easier to push the filler.

- Now two tissue tubes need to be combined into one. To do this, bend their edges and manually connect with a hidden seam.

- It remains to tie the tubes into a knot. To understand how to do this correctly, check out the photos or videos below.

- Unusual pillow-knot ready.
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Pillow knot from tights
This version of the pillow-knot can be called simplified, since the tights are almost ready-made tubes, which means that we do not have to measure and stitch the fabric.
Tools and materials:
- sewing machine;
- needle;
- threads
- scissors;
- PVC pipe or homemade;
- filler;
- knitted tights (2 pairs).

Working process:
- Despite the fact that tights are almost ready-made tubes, you still have to work a little. We take one pair of tights and cut off their socks.
- The next step is to cut the tights from the top along the seam line.
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When cutting the top, be sure to cut off the elastic.
- Turn the tights inside out and sew the cut.
- Now you need to sew 2 parts of tights in one tube. To do this, one part is turned inside out, and the other is thrust inward face up. Sew the junction. The same thing is repeated with the second pair of tights.
As a result, we should get a pipe with a length of approximately 3 m.
- Time to fill the resulting long pipe. In order to stick the filler more conveniently, we use a PVC pipe. If this is not, then you can replace it with another pipe of a suitable size.
- The most interesting step is tying a knot. You can see in detail how to do this on the video.
- We connect the remaining ends of the pillow at the back and sew it by hand.
- To ensure that the knot always retains the desired look, make a couple of stitches with a thread and a needle in several places.
- The pillow is ready!

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As you can see, in this workshop we used a slightly different method of weaving a knot, but it looks no less beautiful and original.
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