Used 5-liter plastic bottles are not only waste, but also readily available material for the design of garden plots. This method of decorating front gardens and courtyards was liked by people who like to build something with their own hands.
The fantasy of such people is as always at the highest level, so today there are a lot of interesting ideas for using this material. The main task is to stock up on plastic bottles of various shapes, and the rest depends on your imagination and desire to embellish your yard. So, we bring to your attention the most popular master classes.
Bottle piglets
To create one piglet, you need to take a 5-liter plastic bottle and several (ideally 4) 2-liter bottles, they will be needed for the ears and legs. There are two types of “plastic” piglets: with an open back (into which you can pour soil and plant plants there), and closed.
In the first case, with the help of large scissors, one side should be cut out, thus obtaining a place for the back. Ears should be cut out of other bottles, think of a shape yourself, and use the necks of these bottles for your feet.

Piglets are collected using a special glue gun. Then piglets are painted pink, and eyes and other elements are painted with another paint. After drying out the wire, you need to make a tail. The second version of the pig is done in the same way, just do not need to cut a hole in the back.
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Thus, you can make a chanterelle, only cut the tail from another 5-liter bottle (so that it has a more magnificent shape), and the nose from the neck of a 1.5-liter bottle.

To repeat this idea will require more effort and time, but efforts will allow you to achieve an excellent result. For the body, take a plastic bottle of 5 liters and bottles of different colors.
The hardest part of this idea is the manufacture of feathers, as they must be of different sizes and colors. First of all, large feathers are made (for the tail).

To apply a picture to bottles, use a marker, then cut a pen and cut it into thin strips. Feathers are glued to the body in order, passing smoothly from the tail to the body and head.
Feathers are attached with glue or abrasive mesh. A bottle of red color is suitable for creating a beak, buttons can be used as eyes.
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Great idea for families with kids. For the body you will need a 5-liter plastic bottle, the trunk is made from the pipe of an unnecessary vacuum cleaner, ears are also cut from a large plastic bottle, smaller bottles are used for the legs.

All parts should be joined using cut holes and glue. They paint the elephant with gray paint, other details are correspondingly necessary color, it all depends on your imagination. The elephant is ready, in the finished form it looks great.
Other ideas for equipping a summer cottage:
- Water dispenser.
Remove the bottom of the 5 liter bottle and hang it in a convenient place, pour water there. When you need to wash your hands, just slightly open the lid a little, the water will pour a little, which will allow you to wash your hands. In the country, this is an indispensable thing.

- Lamp.
Any country house needs such a piece of furniture. If you do not have extra money to buy special garden lights, you can make yourself a pretty ceiling.The only thing you need to consider is the fact that plastic melts under the influence of high temperatures, so you need special bulbs.

So, cut off the top of the 5 liter bottle, insert the cartridge there, then paint the ceiling in any color. Using a soldering iron, you can give a shade a relief pattern, for example, leaves, branches, geometric shapes or flowers.
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- Boxes for storage of garage accessories and tools.
They are made very simply - it is enough to cut holes of the optimal size on one side of the bottle, and the box is ready!
Take the old bedside table and insert several such boxes into it, as a result you will get a great place for storage. For convenience, number and sign each container so as not to be confused where which elements you are going to store.

- Pots and flowerpots for garden flowers.
Perhaps this option is the most popular among summer residents. You can use it in various variations: without bottom (get a cylindrical flower pot), without the upper part (conical cache-pot). Plastic pots are decorated with fabric, paper, foil, threads, acrylic paints.

- Device for deep watering.
Suitable for gardeners who do not have the opportunity to often come to the country, as well as in the case of growing plants that love surface watering. This type of plant needs to deliver water closer to the root system, for this a 5-liter bottle is suitable.

Next, cut it in several places on the bottom so that the lid opens freely. The bottle is placed with the throat in the ground next to the growing plant and secured with soil.
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In the future, when it will be necessary to water the plants, it is enough to open the lid and pour water there. Thanks to an incision at the bottom of the bottle, water will calmly flow to the root system of the plant.
We hope that all of the above ideas will help you design a garden plot based on opportunities and needs.
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