The power supply of a private house is possible only with the correct connection to the network. Employees of the energy supply company may refuse to connect if safety standards are not met or metering devices are not available. It is not enough just to buy an electricity meter and put it in a convenient place - you need to follow the rules for connecting it and provide access. It is also recommended to pay attention to which device will be better for a particular type of connection - single-phase or three-phase, single-tariff or multi-tariff.
Subtleties of installing the meter and its connection

Connection to the power supply network as a whole does not cause difficulties - the procedure is typical and well-established. But, as in other areas, there are some hidden points that need to be understood. Immediately before contacting the services, you need to carry out a preliminary calculation of the load on the house, select the type of connection (three-phase or single-phase) and sign an agreement with the service provider company. After you can buy the meter and install. The main stages of connection:
- Submission of a written request to the nearest energy supply service with an application for connection, with a preliminary calculation of power consumption and an indication of the type of electricity meter.
- Obtaining and signing a standard contract for the provision of services and clarification on the conditions of connection. Additionally, it includes a list of necessary equipment (poles, cables, meter, machines).
- Installing the electrical panel and checking by the power inspector. He will examine the installation site of the shield for compliance with the connection standards, compliance with the ratings and seal the installation.
After completing all the steps, a new company client will be registered. When connecting the meter, you can hire outsiders or do the work yourself (if you have permission). The best option is with a hiring - a signed contract with a contractor and its license can be the main argument in disputes with the inspector. The owner of a private residential facility can independently determine the location for the installation of metering devices. The facade of a house or a pillar is not the only place where you can install electricity meters.
Before signing an agreement with a company supplying electricity, it is better to contact a lawyer who is versed in such matters. often in the clauses of the contract there are instructions that do not meet the standards.
Standards for installing an electric meter

When installing an electric meter, you can rely on regulatory documents that contain a regulation on energy supply standards. If claims arise, the truth can be obtained from such a document, but more often this happens through the court. If there is no time for such actions, then it is better to install accounting equipment in accordance with the following rules:
- attorney meter with a quality certificate;
- ambient temperature above 0ºC;
- lack of condensate;
- placement height from 80 cm to 170 cm;
- lack of direct exposure to sunlight;
- remoteness from the heating equipment;
- the grounding of the device and the shield.
These rules also indicate a violation of the law when requiring the fixing of electrical metering equipment on facades and poles. But, to confirm their own innocence, many have to submit an application for an independent examination and lawsuit.Companies that supply electricity cannot refuse to connect the consumer to the network, but difficulties often arise.
Self-installation of accounting equipment
It is possible to install an electric meter yourself. There are no special restrictions for single-phase metering devices, and in the case of a three-phase connection, you must have a tolerance. In addition to the meter itself, it is also necessary to ensure the presence of a protective cabinet, a package of circuit breakers designed for load and a connected ground loop. From additional funds, it is recommended to install:
- single-channel machines, for each branch after the counter;
- RCD devices - protective circuit breakers;
- corrugated hose and cable at nominal section;
The presence of the grounding circuit and RCD, ensures safety in case of violations in the operation of electrical appliances or breakdown of wiring. With normal operation of the device, the risks of serious electric shock are reduced. But, protective equipment does not guarantee the possibility, without harm and disconnecting the power supply, to climb with your bare hands into a power outlet or to damaged electrical appliances.
For a greater level of security, it is recommended to additionally install similar RCD devices near each household appliance with increased consumption. In particular, this applies to those devices whose grounding is not provided at all or there is no possibility of connecting such an additional line.
How to choose an electric meter
Before buying a meter, it is recommended that you calculate the estimated electricity consumption. Depending on the indicators, you need to navigate which accounting device is best. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the meter must be an attorney, as well as sealed - documentation is required. The validity period of the verification certificate for three-phase metering devices is 1 year, and for single-phase 2 years. But, after installing the device, calibration is needed only after 16 years. For a detached house, single-phase types of accounting devices are more often chosen:
- Single tariff meter. The simplest type of metering device, which often works on a mechanical principle. High reliability with slightly reduced accuracy.
- Two-rate counter. An accounting device in which there is a division into daytime and nighttime. Such tariffing in Russia is possible only upon signing an agreement with an energy company.
- Multitariff counter. An electronic device with the ability to set different costs for electricity by the hour. Such types of devices are rarely used in everyday life, but are accurate and reliable, for example, the Mercury 200 counter.

Mechanical metering devices are considered more reliable. But, modern electronic electricity meters are more accurate, and also easier to operate. There are separate models that can be installed in conditions of high humidity and low temperature. It is not recommended to install the device from the company supplying electricity, since there they often offer consumer devices - the cheapest on the market, at an increased price.
When connecting or reconnecting a private house to the mains, it is necessary to provide mandatory conditions for the installation of accounting equipment. To do this, prepare the installation site of the meter and buy accounting equipment and related components of the electrical panel. The device must comply with the norms and features of the intended use of electricity. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, it is better to pre-order the calculation of consumption from representatives of the company supplying electricity.
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