Winter comes, as a rule, unexpectedly! You understand this when you come across problems that you should think about in advance. These include the preparation of the roofing and the fight against the accumulation of a large amount of snow on it. Snow removal from roofs is a matter that concerns not only public utilities. They are responsible for clearing snow from roofs in urban apartment buildings. But severe Russian snowy winters bring a lot of trouble to the owners of private houses, where the snow must be removed either by oneself or by outsiders. How to do this in accordance with all the rules and with the observance of safety measures will be described in this article.
Why snow on roofs is dangerous
Snow, which is laid in even and not very even layers on the roof, is a real danger to people and their property. If the roof is not cleared of snow on time, this can lead to many negative consequences:
Roof damage. The weight of snow mass of 1 square meter can reach 100 or more kilograms. Such a mass by the force of its pressure often deforms the roofing, disrupting the sealing of the joints and even shifting some of its fragments. In especially snowy winters, even the roof rafters can not stand it. Alternating thaws and frosts further destroy the roof structure and can damage it literally within one season.
Disabling storm sewer systems. Since the roofing is warmer than the surrounding air, the snow on it constantly thaws and forms an ice crust. A certain amount of water falls into the gutters. Snow removal from the roofs prevents them from clogging with ice and does not allow the formation of huge icicles. This measure will prevent damage to the exterior walls and foundations of buildings.

Avalanche-like descent of snow and ice from the roofs. This kind of trouble can even happen on roofs equipped with snow retainers. The topcoat that broke in the process of gliding snow can cause harm to people below, cars, communications and plantings.
Damage to the structural elements of the roof. As a result of the fall of a large mass of snow, a roof structure consisting of several tiers can be damaged. Cleaning the roof from snow will not allow the elements and details of the lower level of the roofing to suffer.
In order to avoid all these troubles, municipal authorities develop various regulations that regulate such work and determine who is responsible for the proper operation of buildings and structures.
How to prepare a roof for winter?
In order for your appearance on the roof in winter time to be kept to a reasonable minimum, you need to think in advance about its preparation for this difficult period of the year:
- Before the cold comes and snow removal from the roofs is required, it needs to be cleaned of various debris in the form of twigs and leaves that can clog the drains.
- Funnels of drains are better to close with special covers or caps.
- In order not to repair the roof in winter, it is better to repair it in advance, tinting dubious and damaged places on the roof.
- It is necessary to check the attachment points of the coating elements. Under the weight of the snow, their tightness may be impaired, and the likelihood of their unexpected shift.
- If there is at least a minimal opportunity, then it is better to install an anti-icing system. It will avoid many troubles and with it cleaning the roof of snow will become much easier. Having spent your money once, you can later save on the services of climbers, who are becoming more expensive every year.
By taking the above measures in advance, you can be prepared for the most unpredictable whims of nature. Good owners are not afraid of any difficulties associated with cleaning the roof, even after heavy snowfalls.
The procedure for the removal of icicles and snow

Icicles and snow on the roof - this is the reason to sound the alarm, especially when their number reaches a critical point. A roof without icicles will allow you to sleep peacefully and not worry about the problems that are associated with them. To do this, just take a little time, and future repair of the roof does not threaten you. For this:
First of all, get rid of icicles that hang from the slopes. They can be gently knocked down with a long rail that will be so long that it will allow you to be away from the place where the icicles fall.
Do not strive to hit the icicles with great force. What remains after a small effort is best removed directly from the roof. Otherwise, a roof without icicles can result in damage to the coating and gutters.
After knocking down icicles, you need to climb onto the roof. It is better to clear snow with a shovel. We should not forget about safety measures - a safety belt or rope in this case is simply obligatory. Do this work with caution, as the roof can be slippery. The best option would be to work with an assistant.
It will be necessary to remove the remnants of icicles. This is done when the cleaning of the roof from snow is completed. As a rule, the base of icicles freezes to the edges of the roof and drainage systems. They can be carefully cut with a hacksaw.
Work must be carried out during daylight hours. You should not take up work if there is rainfall, creating additional difficulties and increasing the risk of falling. Do not climb the roof with a wind strength of more than 6 points. In the case when you need to clean the roof at night, it and the area adjacent to the house should be well lit.
Clothing for work should be as comfortable as possible and not restrain movements. The same can be said about shoes - it should be non-slippery and with powerful protectors on the soles.
Observe safety measures in relation to the people and animals below. Falling ice from the roof can injure them and damage cars parked nearby, so you need to be extremely careful.
Take outside help. It’s better not to be self-confident and enlist the support of another person. An even more reliable option is the help of professionals. In addition to certain skills, they have climbing equipment and equipment that allows you to quickly and accurately do their job.
Snow removal from complex roofs

When cleaning snow from the roofs, they are guided by the Standard Safety Instructions for the maintenance and repair of buildings and structures of the USSR Ministry of Health dated October 14, 1985 N 06-14 / 19. The second part of this document is fully devoted to works such as cleaning the roof of snow.
Operating companies with residential buildings on the balance carry out such work by janitors and other specialists who are in good health and who have undergone special training.
Owners of houses with complex roof geometry, either carry out such work on their own, or seek help from industrial mountaineering specialists.
When cleaning the roof, do not use a metal tool. Break a thick layer of ice and the base of the icicles can be using special scrapers, representing a metal plate on the handle.It must not be sharpened and must not come into contact with the finish.
Any roof without icicles requires care and use of the following tools:
- wooden or plastic shovels;
- scraper and “slide” - a two-handed wide shovel made of wood or plastic;
- mounting belt and safety cable;
- portable step-ladder (ladder) not less than 30 centimeters wide;
- hooks for hooking on the ridge. They are used for roofs with a slope of more than 20 degrees and any wet coatings;
- enclosing tape;
- portable gratings or shields with red and white stripes, which on the ground block access to the place where snow falls.
Requirements for shovels and other equipment
Snow removal from the roofs should be done with the "right" shovels. What is included in this concept? Since the handle of this tool can be icy, it is quite difficult to hold it in your hand. To this end, the shovels are equipped with a special handle. You can tie it to your belt with a short piece of rope. Such a measure will allow, if necessary, to free both hands.
To use a safety cable, you need to get a reliable attachment point. He previously passes the jerk force test of 200 kilograms or more. It is attached to the mounting belt exclusively on the back.
In the case when a safe roof is prepared without icicles, the enclosing tape should be installed according to this rule:
- building height up to 20 meters - at a distance of 6 meters;
- building height 20-40 meters - at a distance of 10 meters;
- building height over 40 meters - calculation is done proportionally.
Clearing the roof of snow is not limited to such safety measures as installing guard tape. When work is performed in places where heavy traffic and people are moving, the following precautions are additionally used:
- Next to the fencing area is a duty worker dressed in an orange vest. At his disposal is a whistle, which he uses to warn about the dangers of pedestrians and car drivers, and a mobile phone or walkie-talkie with which he communicates with those working on the roof.
- Before the roof is cleaned of snow, the danger zone is freed from the presence of cars and other equipment on it.
- Entrance doors that are located on the side where snow is dumped must be closed before the end of work. In the case when it is impossible to close them, a canopy is made above the doors, and there is a duty officer on the porch who monitors the safety of residents leaving the house.
Snow removal from roofs should be carried out in certain places. He must not fall on
- any wires and cables;
- nearby buildings;
- nearby shrubs and trees;
- structural elements and equipment protruding beyond the walls (e.g., air conditioners).

Structural elements that occur in the path of falling snow or ice can either be damaged or can unpredictably change the trajectory of large pieces. For this reason, the roof without icicles that you dream of can be a real danger to passers-by and passing vehicles.
The problem of snow accumulated on the roof can be solved by installing a large slope roof (60 degrees or more). But the best option can be considered laying on the roof of heating cables.
The “roof without icicles” system allows to completely eliminate the appearance of ice, both on the roof itself and in the gutter system, gutters, on the edges of the roof and other places. And although the operation of such a system may seem expensive, it is increasingly being installed by people who are used to thinking in the future.
Remember! You always have a choice!
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