Metal tile is one of the most popular roofing materials today. What is the reason for such great popularity, and is it justified? What is metal tile in shape, color and size? We will also try to find out its design features and highlight the main points that should be taken into account when installing this roofing material.
So what kind of material is this - metal tile?
The metal tile, in popular language, is profiled sheets of galvanized steel, which have a different color, shape and size, and are used when laying on the roof of buildings.

To give the sheets the desired shape, use the rental method. To prevent corrosive effects, as well as give the steel sheets an attractive shape, several additional layers are applied to the profiled sheets.
In particular, the zinc layer serves as an excellent corrosion protection, and a special passivating layer is subsequently added to this layer.
This layer is also used to protect sheets from excessive accumulation of static electricity, and, in turn, it serves as the basis for the primer layer.
The primer layer provides an excellent basis for future polymer coating of sheet steel. These polymer coatings perform a protective function, providing a reliable "shield" from adverse environmental influences, including weather conditions. Depending on the types of polymer coatings that process profiled sheets, the final price for this type of metal tile is determined.
The sizes of metal tile sheets, depending on the manufacturer, can vary significantly. For example, if the width of the sheets is practically standard everywhere and is somewhere around 1.1 meters, then the length can vary in different limits
The thickness of the sheets can also be quite different and sometimes amounts to a difference of several millimeters (0.45 to 0.5 millimeters). Such dimensions are taken in accordance with GOST, which is responsible for the technical requirements for the parameters of roofing materials.
The height of the metal tile can also vary, it all depends on the design of the future roof and on the wishes of the customer.
Manufacturers usually give a guarantee for their products from 10 to 15 years, but if all the installation rules are followed, then in reality it can serve much more.

When buying a metal tile, it is necessary to take into account such a factor as wave height. If the wave height is greater, then the more heavy and hard roof you will receive. At a roof with a lower wave height, installation will be much easier. Such a tile can undergo significant changes under the pressure of snow or other unpleasant factors.
Advantages and disadvantages of metal tiles
The advantages of metal over other coatings:
- The practicality of the material.
- Very light weight, less than 4 - 7 kilograms per square meter, which even makes canopies made of metal.
- Relative ease of installation.Some manufacturers, in order to facilitate the installation process, give a small booklet when purchasing metal tiles, which describes in detail how to properly fix the tile, as well as how to do it yourself.
- The ability to paint this roofing material in any colors and shades that you like.
- Very good coating strength. This strength is ensured by stiffeners, as well as the greater thickness of the sheet itself.
- The material tolerates sharp changes in temperature, this is because thermal expansion is minimized in this material.
- Meets all safety requirements from an environmental point of view. Harmful substances from the surface of the metal tile are not released into the atmosphere when this material is heated.
But there is a significant drawback of this roofing material: if precipitation falls (especially rain), then without taking noise reduction measures, living under such a roof will be extremely uncomfortable.

To minimize noise effects, it is necessary to add a sound insulation layer to this roofing material. To do this, you can use insulation based on glass wool, the layer thickness in this case should be from 100 millimeters or more.

A disadvantage can be considered that when cutting metal to cover the roof, a sufficiently large amount of waste can remain. However, most firms have specialized software that can significantly reduce costs while minimizing waste.
A metal roof is not only all the advantages described above, but also a reduction in repair time on a separate section of the canvas. For example, if the paint has come off, then you can safely repair this place with the help of a similar paint, which is easy to buy in stores specializing in the sale of roofing materials.
The main parameters of the metal tile
What are the special properties of a metal tile different from other types of roofing materials. Let's consider some of them.
A variety of colors in choosing a metal tile
The most popular colors, which are considered the best-selling, are those shades and color schemes that most closely resemble real ceramic tiles. Basically, these are shades of red, “chocolate”, “green foliage”, oxide red, graphite. Sometimes you can find very bright colors (yellow, bright red, blue).

Please note that when using dark colors and shades, you should always remember that they burn out much faster in the sun than lighter tones.
The difference between a high-quality layer of paint and a poor-quality one is that the poor-quality layer burns out faster, and this happens unevenly. Only now it’s impossible to immediately understand whether you have high-quality roofing material or not. It will be possible to find out only after decades. But so that it doesn’t happen, as in the well-known saying - “the avaricious pays twice”, it is best to purchase metal tiles of famous brands and brands.
The difference in the type of polymer coating
Polyester is one of the most inexpensive types of polymer coatings. Its basis is polyester paint, which has a completely smooth glossy surface. The thickness of such a coating is 25 μm. It perfectly retains its original color, it can be used in almost any climatic conditions.
It is worth noting that polyester at the moment is only in two versions: glossy and matte. A metal tile with a glossy polyester will attract more attention, since gloss will give the material a shine.
A matte polyester will give the metal tile a slightly roughened appearance of the surface, it is not so beautiful, but it is quite suitable for canopies made of metal ..

There are also modified types of polyester, for example, with the addition of Teflon.This material will give galvanized sheets excellent color fastness, and even resistance to mechanical damage.
Pural is another type of coating, it is interesting in that it is able to withstand various temperature conditions (from -15 to 120 degrees).
One of the thickest coatings is plastisol. True, for several reasons in some countries it is considered very harmful to health and the environment, due to the presence of polyvinyl chloride in it.
Depending on wave height
- Wave height up to 50 millimeters (small). If you buy a metal tile with a wave height of less than 50 millimeters, then the price will be significantly less than for other types. Such a wave height in this material is in great demand.
- High wave height. The range of these values is from 50 and more millimeters. Such a wave height is already considered "elite", it is more expensive than the previous type, and the prices for this type are significantly higher.
- Not a very common type with a symmetrical wave. This type of metal tile is not produced by all enterprises, but only by the most famous brands. To buy a metal tile of this type is much more difficult.
- Well, the last type - with an asymmetric wave. This is also one of the most common types, almost all companies that manufacture types of roofing are engaged in the production of such metal tiles.
Roof systems for a roof from a metal tile
To cover with a metal tile, the slope of the roof itself should be at least 10-15 degrees. The step of the rafters from the beam should be from half a meter to a meter.
It is also necessary to install a crate from the board, the minimum section of which should be 25 x 100 millimeters. The step also needs to be selected, but usually set the distance from 300 to 500 millimeters. The entire crate, for greater reliability, should be used without unnecessary deflection.

Deflections in the crate are unacceptable, since subsequently they can lead to gaps in which precipitation will accumulate, and this can adversely affect the life of this material.
During the installation of the roof, one should not forget about such important components of the roofing cake as layers of waterproofing to protect against steam and moisture.

The waterproofing layer protects the insulation layer from water and moisture. It is also necessary to take into account that between the layers it is necessary to make a small gap so that the air between them moves, rather than stagnates.
Best of all, when the entire metal tile is fixed using special proprietary screws, they will reliably protect the roof from corrosion.
It is also necessary to purchase the most necessary other elements, including: stormwater inlets, ice skates, snow holders, plums. Very often, you can try to make such elements yourself.
What should be considered when choosing a metal tile for a roof?
The market of roofing materials is so large that the choice of a material such as metal, for a simple buyer becomes a truly non-trivial task. What criteria should be considered when choosing and buying a metal tile. Let us dwell on some of them.
The first thing you need to pay attention to is the thickness and height. As already stated above, the greater the height and thickness, the higher the price compared to thinner specimens of this roofing material.

Please note - to find out the thickness or height of the wave, you need to pay attention to the original packaging, there are inscriptions where the exact dimensions and parameters are indicated.
Then you need to decide what type of coating should be on the metal tile. It is best to take a tile with a polyester coating. If for some reason the roof does not need to shine in the sun, then you can take a matte finish.
Now it is worth paying attention to the profile of the metal tile itself, because the quality of the installation work is not the last thing depends on it.For various types of roofs, an asymmetric profile is often used, which has a rather high wave height. It is used in the construction of hip, and four-gable, and broken roofs.
If you need to make canopies made of metal, block the shed or other outbuildings, then here you can already choose a smaller wave, saving your money.
Not the last thing is how the sheets fit together. Usually in those stores that sell building materials, there should be visual stands on which you could see how the roof would look with different parameters of the selected material.

When choosing, it is also necessary to pay attention to the presence or absence of a primer layer on the metal tile. This can be found out by requesting the appropriate certificate from the seller. If there is no primer or passivating layer, then such a metal tile should not be taken at all, because the service life of such a material can be drastically reduced.

Another important factor when choosing a metal tile is how much this type of tile is aesthetically attractive.
Manufacturers offer a lot of colors and various shades of metal, but of course, there are the most popular colors that are traditionally in high demand. These are colors such as red, dark swamp, brown.

When choosing a color scheme, you need to know that dark colors under direct sunlight are much more heated, and if the ventilation is done incorrectly, then it can be very hot in the house during the summer days. Light colors are not so susceptible to heat, but on a light roof it is better than on a dark one, traces of various kinds of pollution are visible.
If a Russian-made metal tile is purchased, then, as with the choice of wallpaper, it is necessary to look so that the shades of color and batch numbers completely coincide.
As for the choice of a particular brand or brand of metal, then of course you need to look for all the possible information. Look at construction forums, search for reviews and opinions of users about brands of interest. And also visit the sites of manufacturers.
If even after visiting all the construction forums and Internet sites there are still questions about choosing a brand, then we can say one thing: “we are not so poor as to buy cheap things.”
In other words, it is best to pay attention to well-known brand brands of manufacturers. Indeed, if a company has become known to a wide range of customers, and has become a brand, this not only indicates a rise in price of such a product, but often it is also a guarantee of quality, which the company can fully guarantee in order not to “lose its face” in front of customers.
The prices of brand brands, of course, differ in the direction of high cost from unknown manufacturers by 10-15%. But is it really worth saving where it’s better to overpay a little and get comfortable living conditions?
The only thing that can upset is that recently there are fakes in this market segment, so you need to be very careful when choosing a material such as metal, carefully check the specified parameters of the selected material. If you make the right choice, then your roof will stand for many, many years.
Under a warm, durable and beautiful metal roof, you can meet friends or family in comfort and coziness, relaxing from everyday worries in a pleasant society!
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