Today, there is literally a “boom” in construction, both in the private sector and in the construction of huge high-rise buildings. The building materials market is full of various offers, including the emergence of many new types of roofing in the roofing sector.
And therefore, the question often arises which of the proposed types of roofing is better, how reliable this or that material is. Of course, price plays a significant role in this matter. Indeed, after the economic crisis, the consequences of which are still being felt, many owners of private properties prefer to save by choosing practical, reliable roofing materials at an affordable price.
And if you choose a roof taking into account the price component, then the undisputed leader will be ondulin, one of the most common and practical materials.
Production technology and the origin of ondulin
First of all, ondulin, an inexpensive and versatile material, visually looks like sheets in the form of a wave. It has in its composition cellulose fiber, as well as bitumen and various other mineral additives.
France is rightfully considered the birthplace of this roofing material. It was here, on the land of wines and vineyards, that 1944 appeared, the first factory for its production and the first andulin roof.
It is worth noting that ondulin is not the name of the material, but its brand. Just, like many words, ondulin became a household word, so they began to call all building materials based on bitumen and cellulose.
Ondulin is released not only in France. The same roofing materials under the Aqualine brand are produced in Belgium, Corrubit - in Turkey, Bituwell - in Germany. And all this diversity is called the familiar word ondulin, although, of course, the quality and price of various brands can vary significantly from one another, depending on the brand and manufacturer.
Advantages and disadvantages
With characteristics such as strength and ductility, ondulin is in a high place not only in terms of protection against moisture, but also is an excellent insulating material from external noise. Andulin's roof is able to tolerate extremes of both high and low temperatures. True, this requires a very good dense crate. It should be recognized that at extremely high temperatures, ondulin may slightly bend, but its structure is such that then, with a decrease in heat, it again takes its former shape.
Another significant advantage of this material over others is its lightness. One sheet weighs only 5 kg. In other words, when using such a lightweight material, the main load from the roofing on the bearing walls and ceilings will be very minimal.
Its ease also gives significant advantages when laying the material, installation work can be done by yourself without resorting to the services of construction companies.
Good resistance to gusts of wind, despite the apparent lightness, can also be considered an undoubted advantage. With proper installation, the roof of ondulin will reliably hold even with the strongest gusts of wind.
A plus is the fact that the material is made without adding substances harmful to humans, unlike, for example, slate, where asbestos is added. Ondulin is an environmentally friendly material.Manufacturers also assure their consumers that ondulin can successfully withstand the damaging effects of mold and even ultraviolet radiation.
Perhaps the only significant drawback is the poor resistance to fire. And although manufacturers claim the availability of certificates for fire safety, but this figure is inferior to many other materials.
Where can I use ondulin?

Euroslate (another name for ondulin) has a very wide application. Given its universal properties and characteristics, ondulin can be used to cover all forms of roofs, regardless of their complexity. Most often, the andulin roofing is used in the private construction sector, but you can often see the buildings of government institutions, the roof of which is covered with this type of material.
Much less often, ondulin can be found as a fence or in the design of building facades; it is used in various arched ceilings. Sometimes, if funds allow the owner, you can see this material on the roofs of various outbuildings, such as a barn or a bathhouse.
Basic installation rules
Before starting work, it is necessary to calculate the amount of required material based on the total roof area. It should be borne in mind that the sheets will be overlapped and with some offset rows, which means this also needs to be taken into account.

You also need to consider a situation in which errors may occur during the calculation or installation. Given this factor, it is better to take material with a margin.
Euro slate (the more common name for ondulin) fits very easily, due to its low weight. Even a novice can handle this. And the tools that you need for styling are in almost every home. This saw, actually the building material itself, a hammer and nails, which, as a rule, are already included.
Before installing the euro slate, everything must be carefully prepared. First you need to make a strong crate. It should be solid and made of wood. Depending on the angle of the roof, you need to calculate all wind loads and proceed with installation from the side where the wind load is minimal.
The crate and the bars should be beaten at equal distances from each other, about 60 cm. If the distances are much larger, then this should be compensated by additional rails that fit between the bars.
Getting Started
The laying process of ondulin is practically small, which differs from the laying process of the well-known slate. It often happens that when buying ondulin, an instruction is included in the kit, which clearly describes all the stages of work when installing it. Manufacturers give instructions so that the consumer can understand the installation technology himself, as well as avoid mistakes or problems.
Here are the main features of laying ondulin:
It is always necessary to start laying the material from the lowest corner of the roof. When laying the second row, its first sheet must be divided longitudinally into equal parts.

As already mentioned, it is recommended to fix ondulin with nails, which should come complete with special hats, the color of which should match the color of the euro slate. The approximate consumption of nails should be about 20 pieces per sheet.
When laying the first row, you need to drive nails into each crest of the corrugated sheet, and already in subsequent rows you can limit yourself to driving into every second running crest.
The second row of sheets should overlap.
Note! Hats of nails still happen that differ in color from the material, and therefore, for reasons of aesthetics and beauty, for a more even driving in of nails, a stretched rope can be adapted. In this case, the nails will be hammered in a flat line.
Ondulin sheets during installation are nailed strictly vertically to the bars of the crate, but with a small transverse overlap (15 centimeters). But the longitudinal inlet must be done based on the length of the first wave.
At the very end of the work, the ridge elements should be installed; they should also overlap and be installed along the entire ondulin sheet.
If the Andulin roof is gable, then corner elements must be used for the ridge part of the roof. In order to make an endow in this case, you need to build another crate.
Manufacturers assure: if you do the installation exactly according to the rules, adhering to the established technology, then the life of the ondulin can be more than 50 years. It is worth noting that this is a fairly long service life. It, of course, some incredulous customers question, considering it a simple marketing move. But the fact that with proper installation it will last at least 15 years can be considered a real figure.
Of course, this material has all the appropriate certificates, including fire protection, but trusting the latter in full is still not worth it.
And the rest, it is a very reliable material, which is very popular due to its good characteristics and normal service life.
The main thing that attracts in it is its rather low price, in comparison with other roofing materials, which at present can be a decisive factor for many in favor of buying ondulin.
Odulin - the most inexpensive material?
Calculating the cost of a roof from ondulin is quite simple. The main thing is to choose a store with an acceptable price for this material. To do this, just go to the computer and enter in the query line: ondulin or roofing soft ondulin. If you do not want to make elementary calculations, then when buying a euro slate in a hardware store, you can ask sellers to calculate the required amount. It is important only not to forget to take the plan of the house where the dimensions of the roof are plotted.
But this calculation can be done by yourself. You only need to know the roof area, and then multiply this value by the cost. In some cases, depending on the batch of purchased material, the price can be significantly reduced due to the proposed discounts.
If you do not resort to outside help, but carry out the work yourself, then the cost of the roof will be generally equal to the cost of its purchase. However, if at the very beginning of installation work there were doubts about the successful completion of the installation of an ondulin roof, then it is better to hire experienced professionals who will quickly and accurately do this work.
Since the time and relative ease of installation of the material are minimal, the price of firms that are engaged in the installation of the roof will not be too high. But of course, the result will depend on the experience of the workers, and, of course, on the complexity of the shape of the roof itself.

It is worth remembering that ondulin is often given out similar materials from other manufacturers, which is explained by its high popularity. It also happens that instead of ondulin, you can get a fake at all.

Of course, in construction companies that value their reputation, this can be found quite rarely, but still there are such cases. Probably, precisely because of the large number of fakes, lately there are more and more complaints about such building material as ondulin. When choosing him, you should be very careful and pay attention to the exact name or brand of the product, it is worth checking the manufacturer with the sellers.
To avoid such troubles, you need to pay attention to the product labeling. Most often, the manufacturer puts the brand name on his products. When buying, you should pay close attention to the back of the sheet on which “Onduline HR” should be written. You also need to study the hats of nails, the mark should also be indicated on them.
Ondulin - has established itself quite well as a roofing material.Given all its advantages, we can say that this is an excellent material for covering the roof, especially if there is not enough money for something more expensive. Buying a real ondulin, you can not worry about the reliability of the roof of the house in any weather conditions.
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