Why a gazebo?
There are enough constructions of similar places of country rest for a choice. A gazebo, as a structure, even has some advantages:
- There is no obligatory place where this construction should be built;
- It is not necessary for the arbor to build a foundation;
- Material for the gazebo can be selected absolutely only according to the personal preferences of the owners of the suburban area;
- The area of the gazebo is also not limited by anything;
- Projects of the arbor can be selected from ready-made solutions or independently develop a new one.

As a rule, it is attractive appearance and harmony in combination with other buildings of the site that determine the choice of structure.
The shape of the gazebo should repeat the lines of the roof of the house or other buildings on the site (well, barn, bathhouse). If the entire site is stylized for some common motive, then the gazebo should be done in the same style.
The size of the gazebo should depend on the estimated number of guests accommodated in it.
The main types of roofs used in arbors
- Shed roof. It is mounted on rectangular or square arbors. This kind of roof is mounted on the roof rafters.
- Gable roof. They are located on arbors having a rectangular shape. Rafters for this design can be both layered and any type. The choice depends on the choice of roofing material.
- Hip roof. As a rule, this is the construction of a four-gable roof for an arbor
- Two slopes - a trapezoid, two slopes - triangles. The shape of arbors with such a roof resembles a rectangle or is close to an oval.
- Thanks to modern flexible materials for roofing, the roof of the gazebo can be made in the form of a semicircle. Rafters for such a roof, welded from metal pipes or profiles. Roofs are mounted on rectangular or square arbors. Modern flexible roofing materials made it possible to arrange the roof of the arbor in the form of a semicircle. The rafter system of such roofs is usually welded metal. Semicircular roofs are used for rectangular or square arbors.
- Hipped roof. The design of the rafters is used for mowing along with sprigs. The roof is made in the form of four identical triangles. The skate in this roof is missing. But there is a ridge knot that connects the vertices of the triangles.
- Sloping roofs. Designed for gazebos with complex configurations. The principle of the roof resembles a hipped roof. Each slope is made in the form of a triangle. All triangles are connected by vertices in the ridge node. The rafter system is also created by analogy with a tent roof.
- If during the installation of any of the types of roofs listed above the edges of the roof are bent, then the roof for the gazebo will acquire an oriental motif.
- Domed roofs. Are mounted on round arbors. If the angle of inclination of the roof is significant, then the roof will have the shape of a cone, if the roof is flat, then the head start of the helmet. The roof lathing is also performed in a circular on the sloping rafters.
Types of roofing materials for gazebos
And the impression of the structure will entirely depend on the roof of the gazebo.
The choice of material for the roof of the gazebo depends on the following:
- Roofing materials should be light. The possible wind load and snow load must be taken into account.
- Given the same loads, it is necessary to calculate the roof slope.It is desirable that the roof for the gazebo was gentle.
- If the site has an artificial reservoir or arbor located near another type of reservoir, then materials should be selected moisture resistant. Wooden structural elements must be saturated with moisture-resistant antiseptics.
- The planned presence or absence of an open fire source (stove, fireplace, etc.) should also influence the choice of material.

In order to avoid dangerous situations and to increase the life of the gazebo, it is better to place the hearth outside the gazebo and make it a separate canopy or roof for protection.
If the gazebo will function in the winter, then the heating should be there. Therefore, a furnace is being built and the pipe is led to the roof.
And if you rely only on the climatic manifestations of nature, then it is more reasonable to select a tent-like or domed roof for the gazebo. And the overhangs for the construction should be done either wide or sloping.

Do not cover the roof with a metal sheet. Without additional thermal insulation, it will be too loud in the rain .. In such cases, the preference is on the side of the soft roof for the gazebo and roll materials based on bitumen.

If your country house is covered with metal tiles, then you can build a similar-shaped roof for the gazebo and cover it with the same roofing material. Just do not forget about sound insulation.
Very modern and soft roofing materials such as bituminous shingles look very popular and aesthetically attractive on the roofs of arbors. They are presented on the building materials market in various configurations and in various color variations. And it is convenient to cover the roof of any design and style with such roofing material. True, for such a roof you need to do a continuous crate, regardless of the type of roof and the size of the angle of inclination of the roof.
Such a soft roof for the gazebo is easily mounted on the tent, hip and roof in the form of a dome. A powerful rafter system for such a roof does not need to be built.
Speaking about how to cover the roof of the gazebo, it is necessary to mention the roof made of reed or straw. Such roofs are increasingly found in Europe. But in Russia, fans of such roofing material began to appear.
The thatched roof for the gazebo fits on any type of roof. And a continuous crate is a prerequisite for such a roof. Lathing battens can be fastened in increments of 30-35 cm.
If reed grows in your area, then the roof can cost you completely free. The main thing is to choose the right plant. Reed should grow in fresh water. Reed harvesting takes place in winter and only last year's plants are selected. When harvesting, everything is trimmed, leaving only the stems that bind into bundles.
The prototype of such roofs are thatched roofs of Ukrainian huts. Oddly enough, such roofs almost do not burn, since the stalks of reed or straw are compacted as much as possible and there is no air gap between honey. Plus, the roof is treated with a special fire-fighting compound.
Sheet roofing material is used on single-pitched or gable roofs. To cover other types of roofs, sheets will have to be customized, cut. It will take a lot of material, and the work will take longer.
In such cases, iron can be replaced with cellular polycarbonate, and slate with ondulin.
Polycarbonate Pergolas
Polycarbonate in the market of roofing materials is represented by various color variations, so the roof of this material can be made with an interesting visual effect. A polycarbonate roof will shelter your gazebo from drafts.
A few rules for working with roofing materials such as polycarbonate:
- Be sure to pass the cut sheet with sealant. Otherwise, moisture will clog the dust into the pores of the material, which will reduce the life of the roof and ruin its appearance.
- When fixing roof elements, special rubber gaskets must be used. Since polycarbonate expands at high temperatures.

The diameter of the drilled holes for the fasteners should be slightly larger than the diameter of the fasteners.
- When mounting a polycarbonate roof, fasteners do not need to be tightened tightly. The use of force in this matter may
Using polycarbonate in the gazebo cause cracking of the material. But the sheet should not move freely after fastening, otherwise it will be immediately ripped off by the wind.
Polycarbonate can be used for single-pitched and double-pitched roofs. You can’t find a better material for semicircular roofs.

Harmoniously, such a roof for an arbor made of polycarbonate will look with a greenhouse made of the same material.
Polycarbonate Properties
Advantages of choosing polycarbonate:
- It bends and is easily cut, so it is possible to create any shape.
- Lightweight but durable material. It does not require the creation of additional supporting structures.
- Can be attached to any other material.
- It is strong to mechanical influences.
- Allows you to create modular designs.
- The cellular structure of the material provides good thermal insulation.
- A special protective layer does not allow ultraviolet light, while you have plenty of sunlight.
- Polycarbonate is a safe material.
- Polycarbonate structures are easy to clean for the winter. The disassembled design will be very compact.
- The material is frost-resistant.
- If desired, the architectural ensemble of the site can be supplemented with other structures made of polycarbonate - bridges, fences, benches.
When erecting polycarbonate structures, some material flaws should be taken into account - high combustibility of the material (no need to be placed over an open fire), it can expand at high temperature (neatly make joints of foxes, laying additional seams).
Build a gazebo
So, we will consider the main stages of construction of the gazebo.
- The choice. You need to decide what to make the gazebo, than to cover the gazebo roof, where it will be located on the site.
- Calculations and project. First you need to choose the style, design and type of construction. And it is also necessary to determine the type of roof - a pitched roof for the gazebo, a gable roof for the gazebo, a gable roof for the gazebo, a domed roof. A detailed design drawing is needed, calculations on the consumption and cost of materials, calculations of the angle of inclination of the roof (if the roof is pitched).
- Marking the terrain.
- Purchase and transportation of materials to the site.
- Preparatory work. Dig a hole for the pillars, if you need to fill the screed base, if necessary, fill the foundation.
- Fix the support posts and assemble the structure.
- Installation of roofs and fences.

And if the roof of the gazebo will be made in the form of a ribbed dome made of polycarbonate - all the neighbors will envy. In such a gazebo, it will be nice to relax with friends or family members at the set table and relaxed conversation. And in the evening, without leaving the gazebo, you can observe the starry sky and perhaps make a wish for a shooting star. And if you are fine with imagination, then you can come up with something new air, using polycarbonate for the roof.
Do-it-yourself roof of the gazebo is a feasible task for almost everyone. Even considering that modular gazebos made of polycarbonate are found on sale, it is a troublesome job to make a gazebo yourself, and even a unique design, but the result will be much more pleasant.
So, for work you need.
- A grinder, a drill, a screwdriver, if possible, a welding machine.
- Scissors, hammer, screwdrivers;
- Hacksaws for wood and metal, shovel and chisel.
- Nails, screws, drills, sandpaper.
- Glue, paint, varnish.
- Sand-cement mortar;
- Brushes, gloves, etc ..
Additional material, in addition to polycarbonate, will be a wooden beam, slats, board, brick, metal profile, metal pipes.
Any place for installation of the arbor can be chosen. But, nevertheless, some requirements must be taken into account:
- The surface should be flat and dry.
- It is advisable that the groundwater in this place be deep enough.
- For convenience, it is better to install the gazebo near the main buildings and in the shade of trees and so that there is no draft.
Steps for installing the gazebo:
- The foundation or base of the gazebo. Capital gazebo can be mounted on the foundation. But why do you need these troubles. It will be enough just to dig in the pillars. To get started, make a markup of the territory. Cut the pipes to the height of the structure plus 70-80 cm. Drill or dig holes in the places for pipes. Having installed the pipe in the center of the pit, fill it with cement mortar. The pipes should harden in a solution that should dry for several days. At the same time as the pipes, you can immediately fill in the platform for the gazebo.
- Arbor frame. You can immediately install a solid frame, or you can assemble it in parts by attaching it to the pipes. Fasten the frame to the bolts to the pipes or by welding. And it is better to use both methods of fastening.
- The roof of the gazebo. So how to make a roof for the gazebo? Cut polycarbonate into individual modules that you will need to mount the structure.

When installing the roof, it is very important that there is a slope for water, that the seams are hermetically sealed, and that the structure holds firmly.
When erecting a structure, wooden battens, self-tapping screws, cuffs and special fasteners should be used.
- Arbor arrangement inside. This is the manufacture of benches, tables. It is advisable to fix them. As a rule, all furniture for
Gazebo decoration The gazebo is made of wood. Timber, board - it all depends on the interior design of the gazebo. Fix the furniture on the screws with a screwdriver or drill. First, treat wood products with an antiseptic, allow to dry, and then sand with sandpaper and varnish.
- Dressing arbors. The base of the gazebo - the base - is fashionable to lay out with a brick, treat the wooden parts of the gazebo with an antiseptic, rub with sandpaper and cover with varnish or stain. Well, various color compositions, napkins, tablecloths, small pillows, beautiful dishes - all this will give special comfort to your corner of relaxation.
Polycarbonate roof
Why should the roof structure of the gazebo be made of polycarbonate?
- The design will be light in weight and easy to install, so the chosen place for the gazebo does not matter.
- To install the design does not need special skills and equipment. So installation work on installing the roof will cost almost nothing.
- Consumables in comparison with other roofing materials are much cheaper.
- The ability to use a variety of geometric shapes, styles and designs. After all, polycarbonate is flexible, durable, easy to cut and it is possible to combine it with any other materials.
Polycarbonate itself can be cut, and drilled, and soldered, and bent.
Thanks to all of the above, it’s very easy to make a gazebo with a polycarbonate roof with your own hands.
In any case, no matter what roof you choose, whatever type of arbor you are going to build, the roof should be a reliable and solid construction. A polycarbonate roof meets these requirements like nothing else.
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