Everyone knows that the roof of a building is an important part of the construction of any type of roof. Therefore, the selection of roofing materials is considered one of the most important parts of any construction work.
The main task of roofing is to protect the roofs of buildings from rainfall in the form of rain and other weather events. In this regard, liquid roofing is one of the most advanced materials, which undoubtedly give this reliable protection from the weather. This article will cover most of the pressing issues associated with a liquid roof: different types and types of roofs, technical characteristics of a liquid coating and operating features, as well as the main advantages and disadvantages of liquid materials for protecting a roof.
What is a liquid roof coating?

Liquid coating is often referred to as liquid rubber. Liquid rubber is the latest material for waterproofing, a new word in construction, and more simply, it is an emulsion of bitumen with the addition of chemical additives. Most often, liquid rubber is used to cover roofs, and is also used for repairs on bridges, tunnels, and individual sections of roads. Using it, you can create a reliable layer of waterproofing for foundations, basements.
But sometimes there is an unusual application: for waterproofing fountains, various tanks, containers, pools. It serves as an excellent protection against corrosion of metal structures, is used in the repair of pitched roof types, and can be applied over materials that are already on the roof, such as wood, metal, or slate.
As you can see, the range of application of this material is very wide. It has been successfully used in many areas of construction. All this is possible thanks to the excellent consumer properties that this material has.
In the process of scientific research of various companies, it turned out that liquid rubber showed excellent results as a result of many tests. It also turned out that the liquid coating retains its properties for 10 years or more, while the material is not afraid of either water or sudden temperature changes.
Rubber, this material was called because it has excellent qualities that significantly distinguish it from other similar materials. Firstly, it is the ability to self-repair, one of the most unique properties of this material.
Even if any minor damage has occurred, the rubber may take its previous shape over time, which, of course, cannot be achieved using other types of roofing materials.
The main advantages and disadvantages of this type of coating
Roof coating with liquid rubber is one of the most technologically advanced roof protection methods to date.
Most often, a liquid roof is applied to an existing base, but can be used as an independent roofing or in combination with other roofing materials.
One of the most important properties of a liquid roof is its adhesive properties. It interacts well with various types of surfaces. It can be used without difficulty and special problems on various kinds of materials, such as reinforced concrete, rolled materials, wood, cement screed, tile, metal coatings.
The advantages of a liquid rubber roof:
- resistance to sharp temperature changes and ultraviolet;
- economical consumption of material;
- good resistance to aggressive environments;
- when coated with this material there are absolutely no seams;
- elasticity;
- quite a long service life;
- excellent waterproofing performance.

In addition to all this, repairing a liquid roof is very simple and affordable for everyone. It is enough to apply a layer of liquid rubber to the damaged area, and that’s all - the roof will be as good as new.
Also an excellent quality of these types of roofing materials is the fact that they can be applied in a “cold” state, that is, they do not require additional heating.
But of course, do not forget about some of the disadvantages of this type of coating:
In comparison with other roofing, this one has a rather high price;
The material is not very resistant to the effects of various types of solvents or to those products that contain oil;
On this, the shortcomings of liquid rubber end. As you can see, the advantages are much greater than the disadvantages, and therefore the use of such a roofing material is widespread.
Well, and besides, as already described above, such a parameter as elasticity is generally a unique property of this material, because it is not in other types of roofing.
Where are polymer roofs most often used?
Liquid roofing is used on various types of buildings. It can be both industrial buildings and private construction. Due to its universal properties, it can be used not only as a protective coating for various types of roofs, but also as a separate roofing.
Therefore, it is not surprising that this material is becoming increasingly popular and is gaining a growing army of consumers.
Features of applying liquid rubber to a flat roof
Very often, liquid rubber is used for waterproofing industrial buildings with a flat roof. Therefore, for each type of roof there are peculiarities in applying liquid rubber.
Let us consider in more detail the application of liquid rubber on the surface of flat roofs, especially the coating with this material.
To obtain a high-quality and good waterproofing coating, liquid rubber should be applied to the base, which should be sufficiently smooth. It may not be very even, but the main thing is that the surface does not contain excess objects and irregularities.

This is necessary so that when applying liquid rubber, the layer is evenly distributed and would be approximately the same height. But the smoothness of the surface of the liquid roof itself, of course, largely depends on the equipment used.
If a layer of liquid rubber is applied by spraying polyurethane foam, then the smoothness of the coating itself will largely depend on the equipment used.
When using the installation, which operates under high pressure, and with a smooth surface on which the rubber coating is applied, as a result of the work, an almost seamless membrane can be obtained using the spraying method.
If tools were used that can only work under low pressure, then most likely the surface will be very uneven. Tubercles may even appear, and they will be of different heights, which of course will adversely affect the external attractiveness of the entire roof. And if the surface cannot be leveled, then before the spraying process it is nevertheless necessary to try to level it with a screed.

If liquid rubber is applied to roof slabs, it may happen that the consumption of polymer-bitumen emulsion will increase. If there is a primer layer, in this case it is necessary to reinforce, if possible, all the joints that are in the spaces between the insulation boards, not forgetting to put geotextile strips in them.
The best way to apply a liquid roof is to apply a liquid composition over an already applied screed layer.Then the roof will certainly have a smooth and attractive appearance and will not lose its aesthetic qualities.
Strengthened - universal material for all occasions
The liquid roof is strengthened - this is a new concept in building materials. It consists of so-called polyurethane elastomers. Moreover, he is an excellent example of the fact that the military-industrial complex is developing not only the latest weapons systems, but can also work for the benefit of civilians.
Previously, this material was used only for defense needs and military industry. But then he gradually came out of the shadows and began to actively gain popularity in industrial production and other sectors of life.
This material has enhanced qualities of reliability and wear resistance. Since its development was carried out by the military, it is natural that the requirements for this material were increased.
The material has the same properties as other liquid rubbers, the only difference is that all its characteristics have, although not by much, but still the best indicators among similar materials.
Liquid roofing or liquid rubber is an excellent material for covering all types of roofs. It is used everywhere and is gaining well-deserved popularity as an additional means of protecting the roof from external factors, as well as as a separate roofing.
Using a liquid roof, we can say with confidence that this is an excellent material that will last for many years, creating a unique view of the roof of the house and providing reliable protection in any conditions!
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