Sometimes the work of engineers and designers defies logical explanation. It is thanks to the efforts of such "builders" that strange architectural and everyday solutions appear in the world. But in fact, all these things are actually very useful, you just have to carefully study their functionality. We offer you to see with your own eyes 15 oddities in houses and apartments around the world to make sure that the flight of fancy, at times, does not know the measure.
Dual function home radiator in Europe
Even in the twentieth century in Europe, such radiators were popular that performed the function of modern microwave ovens. They could not only warm up dinner, but also dry shoes.

"Dancing" house in Prague
This house looks strange and defiant in the historical part of Prague, and all because it does not fit into the general interior of the street. It seems that one of the towers of this building started to dance, while the second retains a serious look.
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Crooked house in the city of Sopot in Poland
Another building that impresses with its appearance is located in Poland. This house, built in 2004, is devoid of right angles, which causes the curiosity of tourists. Despite its bizarre appearance, this building houses shops, cafes and a real radio station.

"Khrushchev refrigerator" in the USSR
Thick walls in houses built in the USSR in the 60s of the twentieth century, allowed architects to enter a small niche under the window. The housewives used it for storage of perishable products and home preservation.

Unusual "House-basket"
In America, you can find a strange building that looks like a picnic basket. But in fact there is nothing surprising, because it was built specifically for the company engaged in the production and sale of wickerwork. Their office is located there.
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Stone House in Portugal
Somewhere in Portugal, a stone house was lost among the mountain landscape. This is a real miracle of nature, into which man breathed life. Since such an unusual structure attracts a lot of tourists' attention, no one lives in it.
Tiled windows in the UK
But this oddity is not the idea of architects, since it appeared for a completely different reason. In the XVII century, the British and Scots paid a tax on the number of windows in their homes, because glass at that time was very expensive. Only the rich could afford such a luxury, so the openings were laid with bricks.
Bubble House Pierre Cardin in France
The dwelling of a famous fashion designer not only looks strange and bizarre from the outside, but is also very unusual furnished inside. And all because the construction and design of this attraction was carried out by the famous Hungarian architect Anti Lovanger.
Keyhole in a wine cellar in Germany
Since wine was the most popular drink in the Middle Ages, craftsmen had to develop a special castle that even very hungry people could open.The blacksmiths of Cochem Castle specially forged special borders around the keyhole, through which the key independently entered the desired hole.
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Sheikh Hamad's home planet in the UAE
The house in the form of a globe was specially built for the comfortable movement of Sheikh Hamad in the desert. In fact, inside it is very spacious and contains everything necessary for this.
Sewer manhole in Germany
An unusual hatch, reminiscent of a spaceship in its design, used to hide behind itself the entrance to the dungeon of the Salzbach Canal. Today, there are guided tours for everyone and no sewer even smells.
Sutyagin House in Russia
In Russia, too, there was something to see until this Arkhangelsk miracle house burned to the ground. Unfortunately, the wooden skyscraper of Nikolai Sutyagin was erected illegally. In 2008, it was partially dismantled, and in 2012 it was completely destroyed by a fire.

Sutyagin’s house was built in the 11th century, but not a single nail was used. For this, the technologies of our ancestors were applied.
The lack of window sills in Montenegro and Bulgaria
Due to the rather warm climate in these countries, builders can afford to save on the thickness of the walls. Because of this, there is no room for window sills, and the windows look bald from the inside. If for local residents this oddity is common, then for the eyes of our compatriots it can not go unnoticed.
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Texas Home Hole
This strange idea of designers Dan Havel (Dan Havel) and Dean Ruck (Dean Ruck) from Texas was realized on the site of a building destroyed by a tornado. The tunnel house did not stand for long and in the same year was demolished, but managed to go down in history as one of the strangest in the world.

The window between the bathroom and the kitchen in the USSR
The familiar window connecting the bathroom with the kitchen always raised a lot of questions about its purpose. In fact, this oddity has two functionalities - it visually expands the space of both rooms and is an additional light source. Today, such an architectural solution is no longer used in construction.

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