Miracle shovel for digging a garden - a smart tool

Garden works require considerable physical efforts to dig up root crops, remove weed grass roots and cultivate the land. Due to the scale of the work, digging up the garden is usually done in batches, with the gradual cultivation of small areas. This process can be simplified with the help of a miracle shovel for digging the earth. This simple and inexpensive tool is extremely effective even on complex soil.

Miracle Shovel

Advantages of the Miracle Shovel

This garden device is more likely not a shovel, but a cultivator, because, in addition to digging, it also breaks up clods of earth. A miraculous digger is two (sometimes one) slats with pins dynamically connected to each other. Some varieties are equipped with a back stop, which provides easier digging of dense and heavy soil.


The tool is completely unlike a classic shovel, it does not have the canvas itself, and the handle is much longer. An even more convenient model, the tip of which complemented by a crossbeam. This makes it possible to work with two hands.

The miracle shovel performs the following functions:

Advantages of the Miracle Shovel

  • loosening the soil;
  • breaking clods;
  • the most holistic extraction of weed roots;
  • easy digging of root crops.

But still, the main advantage is the significant facilitation of the process of digging the earth. When using it, the back muscles are minimally involved, the main work is performed by the arms and legs.

The only drawback of a self-digging shovel is its significantly greater weight compared to the classic counterpart. But in the process, it does not need to be lifted, only when installed on the soil at the beginning of the row. The rest of the time, just drag the tool by the handle.

When using this device, time for digging up the garden is spent at least two times less, due to the wider width of the working part (50-60 cm), without increasing physical activity.

Principle of operation

Although there should not be any special difficulties with a super-shovel for digging a garden, you should still figure out how to use it correctly. The launching pad for work should be the far edge of the bed, from which you should move to the neighbor, gradually pulling the pitchfork back.

The general operation algorithm includes the following sequence of actions:

Principle of operation

  1. Taking the shovel by the handle, you need to put it vertically with emphasis on the front cultivator.
  2. Then it is necessary to drive the pitchfork into the soil until the ground stops touching the ground. When working with heavy dense soil, you will have to make an effort and put your foot on the front crossbar.
  3. Then the handle must be pulled over to ensure that the forks move upward, they will go through the forks of the front stop and begin to break the clods.
  4. Dragging the tool a little back, you must repeat the second and third step.

In practice, everything is elementary simple. After a couple of attempts, actions will be obtained automatically.

Kinds of smart tool

Before buying a wonderful shovel, it is worthwhile to carefully study the varieties of this tool on the market. The choice must be made, taking into account the nature of the work for which the device is purchased, the available budget and reviews about the manufacturer.

Among the popular models of smart shovels are:


Archimedean Shovel

Shovel Tornado

  1. Digger. These devices are equipped with sharp teeth that easily enter the soil, which simplifies the process of digging and loosening the garden. The length of the selected cuttings and, of course, the efforts of the gardener influence the depth of tillage. On sale you can find models with forks from 5 to 8 teeth.
  2. Mole. The depth of the bayonet of this shovel is at least 25 cm.This pothole is optimal for planting vegetables. The tool is released with steel, as well as reinforced forged teeth of different widths.
  3. Archimedean shovel - popular among gardeners due to the presence of a small foot lever, pressing it with a foot provides cultivation of the soil without much effort.
  4. Plowman. This shovel is designed according to the principle of a lever system. The lever allows the passage of movable teeth through the stationary, fixed on the frame. Thus, a thorough loosening of the soil occurs, without raising and turning over the soil by the gardener.
  5. Tornado is an improved version of the previous model. This tool weighs less and features robust powder coated teeth. It is good to use for picking weeds from the root. But he does not cope effectively with loosening of rammed soil.
  6. Kozma is a budget model of a shovel for digging and loosening the earth without turning the bed and digging up root crops. It is also convenient to cut grass. The tool has an additional metal strap for resting the foot during operation.
  7. Gaydamaha - wonderful pitchfork for loosening the soil of Ukrainian production. They increase the productivity of digging up the garden by 5 times. The absence of wooden parts significantly extends the life of the tool.

A miracle shovel should be acquired by anyone who wants to preserve their back and strength when digging a garden.

The work will be easier to perform on pre-moistened soil. But you should know that this tool is not suitable for processing virgin, soddy, stony and very clay soil.


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