No matter how much you want to save on purchases, you need to do it wisely. It happens that frivolous acquisition of cheap goods can result in a waste of a large amount of funds. Plus, inexpensive items may not be of the best quality. It is worthwhile to figure out which products in Fix Price are not recommended for purchase.
Frying pan
If you buy dishes at Fix Price, then only small ones. For example, mugs or plates. As for the pan, this is not the best product. It is noted that the handles are poorly attached to it, and is also made of thin walls. Cooking is very dangerous; the pan may tip over and fall to its feet.

Cost: 99 rubles
Read more: Fix Price Shopping - The 8 Best Cleaning Products
This item has the same characteristics as a pan. Not recommended for purchase, as it is performed poorly. Even after the first preparation, the coating may peel off, leaving a damaged surface.

Cost: 99 rubles
Ariel and Tide Laundry Gel Capsules
Despite the effectiveness of capsules during washing, the cost of this product in Fix Price is higher than, for example, in Family Magnet. There capsules cost 133 rubles.

Cost: 199 rubles
Read more:Fix Price Shopping - Top 10 Beauty Products
Face massager
The face is the most sensitive part of the human body, which is not recommended to be experimented with. According to customer reviews, after a plastic massager, inflammation appears on the skin, which must be treated.

Instead of such items for the skin, it is recommended to learn how to massage the face. This type of care is most useful.
Cost: 55 rubles
Basically, the battery kits purchased at Fix Price do not last long. There are even situations when they are not suitable for a certain type of goods.

Cost: 55 rubles
Nail machine
The subject, designed for polishing the nail plate, contributes to the destruction of the structure of the nail. This is fraught with the appearance of brittleness and delamination. And the cutters, which are complete with the machine, do not fulfill their intended functions.

Cost: 99 rubles
Hair straightener
Irons in Fix Price are most similar to fake or toy items that are designed only for children's games. Hair should be protected, and not exposed to devices of dubious quality.

Cost: 99 rubles
Read more: TOP 6 best drip coffee makers
Kitchen knives are cut poorly, and it happens that they do not cope with their task at all. Plus, they are not made of the best materials, which can lead to danger.

Cost: 99 rubles (for 2 pcs.)
Read more:
Set of brush-pencils for cleaning dishes
The manufacturer promises excellent descaling and rust cleansing on metal surfaces. It also promises to remove all contaminants from ceramics, tiles, plastics and glass.
The brush quickly becomes unusable. To clean a pot or some kind of pollution, you need to spend a lot of energy for a decent result.

Cost: 55 rubles
Table clock
It is not recommended to purchase or give someone a desktop clock with batteries. It is noticed that after several days of use, the clock hands either move faster or fall behind.
Cost: 77 rubles
It is not intended for repair, it can deteriorate at the initial stage of operation after driving 3-4 nails.Tool metal is deformed.

Cost: 55 rubles
Read more:6 ingenious garden tools from AliExpress
Nail polish
According to the girls, the varnish from Fix Price keeps very little, reacts to water and exfoliates. After use, the nails deteriorate.

Cost: 55 rubles
Do not be fooled by imaginary advantageous conditions, but buy only the necessary things that are worth their real money.
I agree about everything, except for the batteries. Before some Durasell, they are like the Moon, of course, but for their price these are quite normal inexpensive batteries. And how many times he took it, it never happened that they didn’t come to something.
from all packs of 4-5 working batteries was)))
You forgot to enter energy-saving light bulbs. Not only do they burn out very quickly, it’s bought there, and in what way, they burn out only with smoke in the chandelier, the effect will be shown until the switch is turned off, or the wiring lights up
I don’t agree about the varnish, good varnishes, and if you take the fixative in the same place, it lasts a very long time
I support Elena! Very reliable varnish, now I take only it.
I support Elena! Very reliable varnish, now I take only it! No problems described by you are observed! Do not collect false information.
You are wrong about varnishes, I buy gel polish there, just such a bottle as in your photo, it keeps very well, I walk with it for a week easily, it’s even longer on my feet
Anton Kiryanov
And what did you expect from the product for 55 rubles? By the way, in the photo, 10 batteries each are saline. They differ from alkaline ones in a faster discharge. If, nevertheless, they are used, it will be optimally limited to devices with the lowest energy consumption (watches, scales, remote controls).
And also breakfast packages. When the package breaks off immediately, I do not recommend
Absolutely right! There are packages for freezing, you can easily tear off. I always buy them.
The expert’s level of knowledge is overwhelming. Knives, by the way, are no worse than those who are now trying to pair Pyaterochka under the slogan “Seriously about knives.” It’s just that they need to be sharpened, which the author of the opus does not know how to do.
Exactly, normal knives. And ceramic so generally perfect. You just need to be able to sharpen. An ordinary fixer knife, sharpened, cuts better than the same knife from the store. So also the tip broke. And from the fix, safe and sound
Damn, what a stupid review.
Do not know how to use - do not criticize.
Funny watch
Doe Wang Zi🖤
If it is very good to fix the varnish, then it will be generally super. Like shellac, seriously. Fixer has not tried, not yet found. But I like the varnish. And the colors are beautiful ~
Massager for the face. Haha ROFL. A boxing glove should be.
And I like fix varnishes, the main thing is to know which brands are good and which are not very
The nail machine is super! Only cutters need travel.
For the price and the product, something x ***** and something even better than the original.
Do you know that all citizens of the Russian Federation were charged social insurance benefits for 20 years? To check and receive their legitimate money launched the portal Money can be transferred to the card in a couple of minutes! I was simply taken away from a speech when I saw something on my account 138800 pyb and having passed identification I deduced to myself on a card!
Ser fik vam
Yes, we know that this is a lie. Fuck you and not money.
The knives are really disgusting. After she tried to cut the cheese, the handle at the knife simply fell off ((((and it’s even scary to buy a frying pan and ladle for 99 rubles.
I have been using the hammer for three years without complaints.
Lacquered two years ago painted on chips on a car - neither the sink nor the reagents did anything to it.
Batteries are also excellent for that price.
at the expense of insoles, awesome insoles, you need to cut the old ones, and not what is painted, all the shoes are different, not the right size. so he came to the store: “I have 42 I take everything”, without trying on))) stupid)))
At the expense of the frying pan and bucket I agree - but at the expense of knives and batteries there is absolutely no. If you sharpen the knife, it’s good to use, but I don’t rely on batteries.
I used to take two pieces for 100-150 rubles for a mouse - they served me for 2-3 months.
Then somehow I decided to take the batteries from the fixprice. Enough of two pieces for 4-6 months. I now only use them. And the whole pack for a couple of years for one mouse and enough.
In the cold, they discharge only like that. I often carry a laptop in a bag, where the mouse lies. So once you go this way - the batteries can be thrown away. Two packs were exhausted, while I thought of why they were dying. And so I have a special love for batteries from fixsprays 😀
I try to buy batteries only in IKEA, they are the best on the price / quality market (program, I don’t remember the name I confirmed by box) also there are batteries at excellent prices, I bought 8 pcs. minimum. The only drawback is the absence of this store in small cities and towns.
I don’t agree about the pan! I have been using it for almost 2 years. Nothing falls off, food does not stick. Everything is perfect. I’m not overjoyed at her for such a price.
Batteries there I buy exclusively for TV remotes and watches. Serve for a long time.
And why breed?
I work in this area, satisfied with each product, no complaints, only licks to remove competitors complete nonsense
You are all so funny! Come to the store to buy something for the rest of your life? Tune in to the here and now. With this motto, I have almost never been disappointed in the selected product. And what did you want “at half price”?
The hammer is cheap and cool in obi: 253 rubles, called lux-tools basic. For a long time, there have been no complaints about him, although sometimes they beat concrete and break bricks to them. They also have a good voltage control of the same company, inexpensive, as in the Soviet window with a light bulb, everything is visible in the sun
I didn’t take anything higher than the one mentioned in the fix price. I take candy there as a rule. I like it.
It’s better to take 10 batteries for 55 than one for 155. It will end without warning, and there is a supply in the pack.
And I really like the batteries, in all of the musical toys in the child we have only them, they work inexpensively and for a long time, no worse than expensive ones.
A pan of thin walls will be more abrupt than Faust Goethe. But in vain, the Afftor runs over two major repairs, lost some gloss, but is still able to work. Unlike screwdrivers that broke on 2-3 screws.
I don’t agree about the knives, I have two Fix Price knives at home. When I bought them, they were sharp and cut qualitatively, then of course they became dull, but the problem is solved by simple sharpening. I see them myself, this is not a big deal .. They both have been with me for more than three years, and still serve faithfully)) But what I can’t buy there is varnishes. I have repeatedly heard that they are good varnishes, but I’ve never come across them! Either too thick, or the brush is uncomfortable, or it erases a few hours after application ... It doesn’t take me to them ((
I’ll add one item to the list, do not take it - absolutely any beer in this store!
Good batteries for their price.
I do not agree. the bucket is normal for use, if it is not heated on the stove, the washing powder seems to be normal too, the batteries are also very good there, both in sets and in sets. almost all detergents, especially chistine bleaches, bath and toilet products, chisten whiteness, baby soap, liquid soap with scarlet, clothes pegs are all great! I buy tights and golfs for children from birth, sometimes you can buy good quality for 2 at the price of 1. and toys are sometimes normal, and books for kindergarten plasticine, paints, coloring books, pens, pencils are is not always taken, but sometimes you can take water. in Novorossiysk fix are good and the choice is wide.
Nail polish is very wonderful! And also there were varnishes for nail care.
About knives, I bought one small one, for 29.5, a very good knife, sharp, comfortable, I've been peeling potatoes for them for several months now, without any complaints at all.
But the glue gun caught fire when plugged into the outlet, really flared up. The batteries are flawless and finger-type, I especially like round sets of different sizes, the price is very profitable, in terms of durability, in my opinion it is the same as ordinary store ones.
The batteries are great !!! We have been using it for more than one year. For wall clocks, we change 2 times a year. The clock, by the way for the wall, was also bought at Fix Price - excellent. With a normal course, keep up, the arrows are in place! If the Author is out of luck, you do not need to generalize. Something is probably not good quality. But for these products as a user, Satisfied! Also great Flashlights any that sell there! They work both at home and in the country and in the car and for tourism in different conditions.
He took from them a set of small screwdrivers complete with polyhedral corners and a construction knife. and a couple more things. Full trash screwdriver rods easily rotate in plastic handles. The knife-heel of the blade holder broke. They have nothing worthwhile, now having seen their sign, I bypass it.
A watch with a battery from the fix price 2016 - lay at the dacha in a snowdrift all winter and the battery did not freeze and the watch worked.
Very good nail polishes! Hold on for a long time.
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