If the house or cottage has a small plot of land where it is impossible to plant something, then you need to refuse from planting trees. And for the flower garden, there will probably be no place left, since with an area of one hundred square meters, little can be planted, although it can be arranged at your discretion. Consider the 10 best ideas for transforming a small plot in front of the house into a real work of art.
The landscape of any design is precisely the lawn. It is perfectly adjacent to the ground, and it looks beautiful. For this option, there are many different varieties of lawn grasses, among which there are those that will be resistant to any physical influences.

The lawn in any garden store is sold in several varieties. Each of them is suitable for different occasions. Therefore, before buying, read the instructions.
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Herb Garden
Rosemary, mint, lavender, thyme, basil - a few square meters are enough for these plants. Everyone loves spices, but they always prefer to grow only on the sunny side.
Find a suitable place on the site, sprinkle a high bed and plant. And in a couple of weeks the first shoots of plants will appear. And if they are close to the country house, then you can enjoy the aroma at any time of the day. Most of all, the aroma is felt in the evening ...

Family Tree
Sometimes, even on a site with small parameters, you can find a cozy corner for planting a tree. Regardless of its appearance, it will look perfect against the background of your home.
Do not obscure the front windows, otherwise it will be quite difficult to achieve the penetration of sunlight into the room. Due to the lack of sun, dampness forms in the house, and excess moisture leads to the formation of mold.

Read more: DIY garden paths at a low cost
Evergreen miracle
By planting conifers in a small area, you can easily create a more effective composition, and besides, you can win additional area.
Low grades will be enough. Coniferous bushes themselves look perfect in any situation. In addition, this option is considered frequently used.

Decorative garden
On plots that have a small plot of land, it is hardly possible to create long beds. But here it’s quite possible to arrange a decorative garden of flowers there.

Read more: How to make a roof for a garden swing with your own hands
In addition, it is not necessary to use only flowers; you can create a composition from a decorative pumpkin, sweet pepper. Combine the leaves of carrots with tomatoes, it is ideally harmonized with each other and creates an unforgettable image.
Color stroke
There is such an option where it is proposed to place plants of several tones in different corners of the site. The main thing is that all this harmonize with each other.
For example, calling purple bushes, put in the foreground, slightly darker colors will look great in the background. Due to this, you will noticeably increase the additional space.

Plant supports
An excellent and more relevant option for design is considered to be - creating a perspective. If your entire site is not visible from the foreground, then you need to make sure that the beauty of your site opens immediately. And moving deeper into the garden or garden, guests could see additional opportunities for relaxation.

For these purposes, use partitions in the form of hedges, pergolas, screens. The sizes of these elements can be different, for example, creating a flower arch, create something proportional to the main dimensions of your garden. As a result, only disharmony can occur.
Read more: Roof Garden - Benefits, Views and Arrangement
Winding paths
Thanks to the winding paths, you can create the illusion of a spacious garden. Since the trail hiding behind every bend is actually intriguing.
You can walk along it and not know where the borders of a small but wonderful garden are. Curiosity can penetrate everyone, especially the guests of the owners of a summer cottage may be intrigued by what may be hiding around the bend.

All roads lead to the central part of the garden
How many do not twist, but all paths always lead only to the central site, which can be left open for convenience and relaxation.
Due to this, the scale of the size of the entire garden is preserved. But by the way, you can have a great time and enjoy the plantings.

Wooden arbor combined with a country house
A wonderful thing is a wooden gazebo. It can be done in different ways. For example, many glaze, making it in the form of a mini greenhouse. But on a hot day you won’t rest there, so they often make it from wood, as a small addition to the house. And already inside the house there is surely a place for storing tools.

It takes up little space, and brings great benefits. But with experiments you need to be careful. If on one site something is good, then on the other, on the contrary, it will bring real chaos and confusion.
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