A lush beautiful garden is a subject of great envy among neighbors. And the magnificent flowers in the apartment, delighting the hosts every day - and even more so. How to achieve all this without much effort will tell this article.
Clean window sill
Tip for neat gardeners. Even if there are many colors on the window, the space around will remain clean if you put a coffee filter on the bottom of the pot.

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It will stop the exit of the earth in contact with water. At the same time, watering does not differ in quality from ordinary.
Spring bouquet
So that by March 8 a bouquet of fresh tulips was ready at home, you need to leave a few bulbs and plant them before winter. Mid or late autumn is suitable for planting. First you should plant the material in small pots, cover with a film and put in the refrigerator.

Leave until the shoots appear. Put the container on the windowsill in the brightest place. 7 days to keep under a paper cap. Then remove and hold under normal lighting.
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Long flowering
Even if the season is over, it is possible to extend the color of many annual plants.
Marigolds, zinnias, decorative cabbage should be dug up before the onset of the first cold weather, transplanted into a pot and sent to the veranda or glazed balcony.

Flowering is guaranteed to be delayed for another month. It is also worth doing with herbs. Parsley, basil and mint coexist perfectly on the windowsill.
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Increased fruiting
Mostly shrubs gardeners plant in the spring. But to do it better in the autumn. During the cold, the soil will settle, compact the texture, and shrink at the rhizomes.
This will contribute to good engraftment. And, as a result, the development of the plant in growth. This advice is most suitable for currants.

Propagate it quite often, because the bush is aging and does not give a good harvest. The young shoot must be deepened during landing and tilted slightly to the side. Thus, he will give more underground kidneys. The bush will become wider and give more fruit.
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Help with frost
Endive, like other salads, does not tolerate cold weather. An ordinary fleece can help in the fight against such a problem. This non-woven material should cover the beds. And then no temperature drops will be scary.

In addition, evening dew, freezing on it at night, forms an additional protective layer. In case the greens are still frozen, no need to rush to tear it out. When warming occurs, it thaws.
Cabbage storage
Late varieties for long-term preservation, it is necessary to keep on the beds longer until the cold weather. Head out the cabbage along with the stem and rhizome.

Shake off the ground, suspend the plants and leave in a cool ventilated room. This method is the best prevention of fungal and bacterial diseases.
The main thing is to constantly inspect the cabbage and remove the rotten parts. You can also cut the roots and lay out the heads of cabbage tightly to each other in a container, covering them with a bag. But do not pick dry leaves. They protect the tender middle. So the vegetable will remain crispy until spring.
Following these simple tips, you can create a pleasant atmosphere in the apartment and make your garden rich. After all, even a novice can cope with them.
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