An experienced plumber eliminates blockage with detergent. How?

Plumber Mikhail Romanov shares his experience in eliminating clogging in pipes using conventional washing powder. In his opinion, this is the most amazing and fastest way that will help get rid of blockages. It can be an alternative to purchased and folk remedies that work only with proper preparation. Eliminate the blockage will be quick and easy, without making any effort and saving the family budget.

Alternative home remedy for blockage

The most common, but sometimes ineffective means are soda, salt and vinegar with water. Preparing compositions for cleaning pipes is very simple. To do this, mix all components taken in 1 tbsp. l., and diluted with 1 cup of clean water.

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Then the product is poured into the drain pipe, and after 15 minutes the blockage is cleaned with a plunger. There are practically no disadvantages to this method, with the exception of two points:

  1. The effect will be achieved if you mix all the ingredients. Separately, they do not work.
  2. If one of the components is not at home, you will have to go to the store, which means that you spend valuable time on solving the problem of blockage.
On a note!

Soda and salt help disinfect the sewer pipe, killing all the harmful bacteria that have accumulated in it. And vinegar copes with the accumulated blockage, dissolving it and effectively removing it.

But there is an option to eliminate blockages much better, which has long been used by experienced plumbers. This is an ordinary washing powder, which is almost always available from housewives.

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Conventional Laundry Detergent

It happens that there is no serious blockage, but the water leaves the sink slowly or does not leave at all. To cope with the situation, you need to pour about 2-6 tbsp into the sink. l washing powder. The amount is adjustable depending on the level of blockage.

On a note!

Pour it with a glass of hot water to make slurry and leave it overnight. In 4-8 hours, washing powder will bind fat and debris, dissolving the cork in the tube. After this time, it is necessary to open the tap and thoroughly rinse the powder together with the liquid that has come out back into the sewer.

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To avoid problems with clogging in pipes, two very effective means can be combined together:

  1. Drain the grounds from ground coffee not into the toilet, but into the sink. Coffee beans quickly eliminate greasy and other deposits on the pipe. And do not allow them to accumulate in large quantities.
  2. Connect the drain hose from the washing machine to the sink in the kitchen. Continuous cleaning with concentrated soapy water will prevent the formation of blockages.

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Surprisingly, morning coffee and regular washing of things will give you many pleasant moments without blockages and unpleasant odors from the sink.
Comments on the article: 4
  1. Helena

    And I wondered why there’s no blockage in my kitchen. I was always afraid that water during the drain from the washing machine would climb into the kitchen sink. But nothing of this for how many years.

  2. Alexander

    This article is from Shapoklyak ?! You look in the section of the powder washer - there is anyway there is a crust from it. And here you advise to pour the powder into the sink and turn it into stone! You will not clean this stalagmite with any pressure of hot water - you will have to change the siphon! A powder is not soda — it’s a bunch of all kinds of chemical elements that dissolve in a lot of water — and in this tip you will destroy your sink.

  3. Gosya

    it’s easier to remove the siphon and clean it than to steam it this way

  4. Vadim

    I want to say that in addition to cable cleaning, no methods are effective, indeed when filling the washing powder there is an effect when the drainage of the water is poor, but if the water doesn’t pass at all, then no means will help other than cleaning the cable, and the powder will help to bind the grease and the cable will remain clean not in fat and without a specific smell.

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